fredag 5. oktober 2012

Mexico/Belize: Going to Belize City!

Woke up around 9 O'clock and started to pack my backpack. Discarded some stuff that I did not need and finnished packing. When I was all set, I sat down to wait for the check out time. It was at noon, so I had lot'sa time to dwell in my room and watch tv. Dragon Ball was on. Great! It's the one episode where Vegeta and Napa first encounters Goku and they measure his power level.


Haha, it's an epic episode. Anyway, after 2 episodes of DB and 2 episodes of Adventure Time I had to get going. Went downstairs and handed the key tho the old guy that rented me the room. Walked to the bus station and bought a ticket to Cancun.
Next bus was departing in only 5 min, sweet baby Jesus. That's just nice. Took the bus and in under one hour I was in Cancun. There I bought the ticket to Belize right away. The bus was leaving around 22:30 and the trip was going to take around 8 hours. So I left my backpack at the bus station and walked to get me sommething to eat. After eating I went to the Gamers Den to paint some and maybe meet up with some of the guys I knew. Sat there a couple of hours and talked some to a couple of players there. Around 19:00 I went back to the bus station to get my gear. Did not want to have to pay more for safekeeping. It costed around 10 pesos the hour and I did not want to pay anymore. Took my backpack and went to a Café/restaurant that was across the street to the station. There I ordered sommething to eat. It was enchilladas with swiss cheese, nam! The place did also had Wifi, so I was happy about that too. Sat there until it was almost departure time and went back to the bus station. Used all my small change on the station, bought some water and some snacks and candy for the trip. Sat at the back of the bus like I always do and fell asleep almost right away. In the middel of the night we arrived at the border between Mexico and Belize. So all aboard had to get off and walk to a booth were you had to pay some "taxes" for leaving the country. Bastards! I've heard about this stuff. It's just bullshit. Anyway, I had some pesos and I payed. Well, everybody on the bus had to pay to get out of the country. After this we boarded the bus and went to the bordercontroll of Belize. There I got a stamp on my passport and that was it. Boarded the bus again an we were home free! Sweet, now I was in Belize. Let's see how it's here.
I slept until we arrived at Belize City. Wow, this place looks really poor I didn't thought it would be like this. Well, I did not have any idea what Belize looked like but I certainly did not expect this. In any case, the landscape is a beauty :)

Arrived at the bus station and it was like being in some town in Africa. The bus routes at the station were written on a chalkboard and there were a lot of people just hanging outside the station. Anyway, it was 6 in the morning and I only had Mexican pesos and a taxi driver asked me if I needed a ride. I said yeah, but before I had to change my pesos. I went to this kiosk and changed them. Walked with the driver and off we went. I told him that I wanted to stay at a cheap enough place as long it had AC. Well, the place did not had any AC but it had a fan, hehe. Good enough for me. The taxi driver gave me some pointers about how to be safe cos' he meant that the city was a dangerous place for a foreigner. He himself had been robbed sometimes. The best was not to go outside too late and not too early in the morning either and if sommething happened was just to give the wallet cos' it was not worth being stabbed for. The Hostel, or Guest house that the place was called looked quite fortified. High walls with barbed wire and metal bars on all windows and doors. Hmm... Maybe they are expecting a zombie apocalypse soon. Anyway, I went out to recon and get me some supplies. Walked some and I did not find anything interresting other than the Radisson that was around the corner. Guess I'm on the good side of town :)
If I wanted to do sommething special here I had to rent a chopper to se the blue hole in the sea, and other stuff that requiere more money that I can afford right now So I went around and found a super. Bought some water, a beer and a malt. Bought some maccaroni and cheese and some KoolAid. On my way back some guys asked me if I wanted some cocain or crystal meth, but like I allways reply to that is that I'm trying to quit :) Lotsa peeps were trying to get my attention. Some wanted to follow them to some shabbylooking bars, but I'm not completely out of my senses so I declined. It could have been a cool adventure, but the only thing I wanted now was a shower a cold drink and a good bed. Got back to the hotel and I did just that, took the shower, popped my beer and lay on the bed. It was allready getting dark outside and to venture outside would have been foolish. So I switched on the small tv and watched what was up in tv-land. Ah, blasted heat. I did have connection to the web, but I get all squishy and powerless when it's too hot. I didn't have the will to start on the blog tonight. So I watched Tv and fell asleep. Zzzzzz.......

Next up...
Hrmph, Airport and Panama

1 kommentar:

  1. I took a look at that Blue Hole...

    Looks rather cool:p
