onsdag 10. oktober 2012

Belize/Panama: Cool world

Okidoki, I woke up and wondered if I would stay another night. There is nothing to do here anyway. I could go to a beach, but that was not a good idea. My back was in pain. I was burned and I should keep away from the sun until I got a little better. My skin was allready sheding because of the burns and I did not find any sunscreen yesterday at the store. Anyway, I went downstairs to the reception to talk to receptionist. It all depended on him if I was going to stay or not. Hmm.. No one here. Went to the kitchen and a lady was there. She was kinda the receptionist. Ah, she gave me so vague answers to the questions that I had, that I decided to leave.
Went upstairs, packed and called for a cab. It was a old guy with an old taxi. Told him to drive me to the airport because I wanted to get my ass to Jamaica. Well, it was an interesting trip. He was very kind and told me a lot about how Belize was. You could drive from South to north of the country in about 9 hours. That's how small the country is. Talked a lot with him and about politics and slaves. Well, when we got to the airport I did not have all the cash that I thought I had. But he did not mind, he said it was ok and wished me a good flight. At the airport I went to a ticket office to get a ticket to Jamaica, but there was not one single flight that went directly to the island. All went past the states, and as you all know I don't want to go to the states. They give me to much hassle. And I don't want my flight to last for 22 hours. Crazy! Jamaica is just 2 hours away, and they want me to fly to New York and back!? Madness! After some arguing I asked if it was possible to go first to San Salvador then to Trinidad Tobago, and then go to Jamaica. Heh, guess what, the guy at the office told me that the flight was possible, but he could not sell me the ticket.
The thing was that I did not have a valid ticket out of Jamaica. Bah! I told him that I'll buy that friggin' ticket when I'm in trinidad. But no! He could not take the chance. Damn....
I was at there at the friggin' office for almost 2 hours arguing about how I was supposed to fly. And all the options he came with were super expensive. Then we came with the idea about if I fly to Chile. There I wouldn't need a flight out of the country, I was not so sure about that, because it wasn't my plan to arrive this early in Chile. But when he calculated and showed me the price I was sold. It was not that expensive and I would go through San Salvador, Panama and Colombia on the way to get to Chile. I told him if he could fix the flight in Panama so I could stay 3 nights there. He fixed it and my plane to San Salvador was due to part in about 4 hours. Sweet. Well, I did not expect to go to Chile when I woke up this morning. Haha! It' all right I guess.That's the way the universe wants it. I will go to Argentina and the countries around Chile instead.
I had to pay some taxes, And those were supposed to be payed in cash, not by credit. it was about 50 Belizean Dollars. So I went to a cashier and the machine only gave me 40 and said that I did not have any more cash in my account. Hmmm.... That's superstrange, I just putted a couple of bucks on that account a couple of days ago. So i tried on another cashier several times, but no dice. Damnation! I went back to the ticket office and the guy was all over the place fixing me the ticket. I told him about the cashier and that I only had 40 out of 50 belizean bucks. He made some calls and after a while he said that the remaining could be taken from the card instead, so no worries. It had happened before. Good for me. But strange thing that I did not have anything on my account. So I logged online (The airport had free wifi) and I took a looksee on my account. Uh-oh, Guess I miscalculated. I had putted some cash but it was not enough. I had just enough for the ticket and I only had 100kr left, haha. Well, I putted some cash on the account and took 50 belizean dollars out of the cashier. Sweet easy money :D Well, went to the airport restaurant and ordered a Burger and a Sprite. That was the only thing that I knew about in the menu and I did not want to challenge my destiny with something crazy right now. I got my burger and well, the bread was old, the tomato was green and the salad was grey, but it was good enough. I was hungry an this was my breakfast.

Waiting for the burger in Belize

After the burger I went down to check in and go through the security check. Went right through and used some of my BZ dollars on water and  juice and acouple of postcards. Then I sat down at a table and writed some. I did not knew what time it was so I had to go to a screen to watch for the local time. Then I remmembered that I did had some more BZ and I needed to get rid of them. While I was watching some small trinkets at a shop, a big blonde dude approached and we began to make some conversation, He told me to buy some of the hot sauces that was for sale there, but I( after the experience of Mexico was not very interested) Thought this guy was a gringo, but after I told him that I lived in Norway, he told me that he was from Sweeden. Haha! what a small world. The guy worked with expor. If I don't remmember wrong I think he exported stones. Well, in huge quantities, so he travelled a lot around the world. But unlike me, he stayed in more elegant hotels and well, he was kinda working. Anyway, we both were going to Panama, so we were going to take the same flights. First the one to San Salvador and then the one to Panama. After a while we boarded and off we went to San Salvador. We were going to stay a couple of hours in San Salvador before we boarded the plane to Panama so we had plenty of time to go and take a looksee at the taxfree. My sweedish buddy wanted a bottle of rum because he was set to drink later on in Panama, biut the funny thing was that the people at the taxfree did not speak English. what gives? I had to translate for these guys. Ha! Well, my buddy bought the rum and we sat down at the gate. While we were there we were sniffed by two different dogs. Yeah, dogs. Narc dogs! The dogs and a officer goes around the airport sniffing. That was kinda uncomfortable :b
It was time to board and me and my buddy had different seat numbers, but that was okey, I wanted to listen to some tunes and relax a little. That did not go as planed. I sat besides a young woman and we made conversation. Her name was Monica and was going to Panama for a conference on the issue of world clima change at the university of Panama. (Hiya Monica! Hope all is well!) She was going to stay in Panama a week for the conference. And she was staying at a union house. It was a place that the union of workers had. They could lend rooms for other people or sommething at a really low price. Like when other union workers come for a conference and need a place to stay. While we sat on the plane she asked me if I had any place to stay in while in Panama. Well, the only thing that I knew about was that my sweedish friend was going to give me a ride to town, but after that I did not have a clue. Anyway, she told me that I could join her at the Union house and I thought that was the coolest things that had happened to me today, so I agreed as long as it is not an inconvenience for anybody. She told me that she did not know really, but it could not be a problem. She was going to make sure it was no problem anyway. When we arrived to Panama and went through passport control and customs, my swedish buddy was wainting for me with the guy that was going to give us a ride to town. Well, I had to decline that offer because me and M were going to grab a cab to the Union house. So I said my goodbyes to swedish and went to find a cashier so I could have some cash.
Odin's ballsack! What the F@ck is going on with the cashiers now? The machine don't want to give me any money now, Argggg! And it's the middle of the night and I'm pennyless, ugh!

Uhm... This was me at the airport in Panama :b

Thank goodness for Monica. She just said that she could pay for the cab and I could pay her back tomorrow. So we grabbed a cab and off we went. We came at the house and the nightwatcher greeted us. He did get a little of balance by me arriving there, but he could not just throw me outside so he gave me a room to sleep. They were just expecting Monica and they did not have fixed any other room with sheats and since we had arrived pretty late he did not knew were the cleaning lady had the sheats. That was no problem, I have a sleeping bag so the lady can just give me sheets in the morning. I was just thankfull that I had a place to stay in. And well, I had to thank Monica for this, cos' if it wasn't for her I would have to have slept at the airport tonight.Well, I took a shower and hitted the sack. It was kinda warm here, but not the same heat as in Belize. Hmmm... Tomorrow I have to check out my account so I can fix this money problem. Wonder what the heck is wrong. Can't go around moneyless. Gotta at least pay M back for having payed for the cab.

Next up...
Money, Hard rock and Hindu restaurant.

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