Today me and my lovely cousin are going to another convention here in Sao Paulo.
It’s a Japanese
festival. Since the Japanese community is quite huge here in Brazil they make
this festival to show different aspects of the Japanese culture, from food to
dance to pop culture. I know that they
will have a big amount of food stands to try out different dishes, and I’m
really looking forward to try out some different dishes.
Oh, man!
The place was packed! And there were not only a couple of food stands, they had
a food stand for every province in Japan with different traditional dishes from
those different places! My goodness, don’t know if we are going to have time or
space to taste everything here, but we are sure going to try! With the festival
guide in hand we started with some sake!
This is it! Let's start from the top... Where is booth nr 1?
Here it is... Stop 1: Kagoshima
Sake from Kagoshima! Cheers!
Stop 2: Fukushima
Ramen from Fukushima! Nam!
Stop3: Gifu
Mitarashi Dango
Stop 4: Hyogo
Takoyaki from Hyogo
Let's try this out!
Stop 5: Oooh... Shizouka. Let's see what they got.
Stop 6: Nara
Stop 7: Ehime
I believe this is called Amazake, Served warm.
Stop 8: Carmo Sakura
Sakura Mochi
It's a sweet made out of beans wrapped in sakura leaves
My goodness, I'm totally gonna pass out from all the food I'm eating...
Next up...
We still continue with our food - fest!
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