lørdag 3. november 2012

Panama: Panama Recon

Allright! Woke up at around 10 in the morning and met up with Monica. She had allready spoken to the cleaning lady and the receptionist too, so I could stay for a couple of days at the Union House. Nice of her for doing that for me. Well, next thing in my agenda was to get some cash. Ah, almost forgot that in the middel of the night a lady called me from DNB That is the norwegian bank. She asked me were I was and if I've tried to take any cash recently. I said yeah, that I was in Belize and tried to take some money and now I was in Panama and the cashier did not want to cash out. She said that the security team of the bank closed down my account because sommebody tried several times to cash out money in Belize, so they thought that somebody was trying to rob me. Guess they were partially right cos' I was triyng to rob myself, haha.

Anyway, I told the lady that they should just remove the blokade on my account cos' I need money right now, That was not going to be a problem. She was going to call and make sure that my account was opened in less than an hour. Sweet.
Well, me an Monica went to the super that was supposed to be near the Union House, that meant that I could take out some money for myself and to pay back her for her troubles. We walked for about 5 minutes until we found the super. We went in and Monica bought us some food so we could have some breakfast tomorrow. Sweet girl, buying me all kindas of stuff for me to eat. When we were going I asked a guard if there was a cashier nearby. So he indicated me towards were it was. Nice, I tried it and sweet baby jesus! Money at last, guess the lady on the phone fixed the little problem. We went back to the house and left the stuff we bought. Now it was time to go to town for a little recon. We asked were we could take the bus to the house keeper and off we went.

After a long walk and a longer wait at a bus stop with no buses on sight, we asked a lady that was sitting beside us at the stop, what's what. She said that there were no buses going on that road because the road was under construction at some points, that meant that all the buses had alternative routes now. Then we asked what she was waiting for if there were no buses. She was waiting for a cab that was supposed to pick her up any minute. She said that we could ask the driver if we could join her when he arrives. So we did and as long it was room there could be passengers. So we took the cab and got down to the city center. The driver left us and the first thing I had in mind was to get sommething to eat, cos' I was starving. So we went to this nice restaurant/cafe to eat something. I ordered some kind of sanwich with melted cheese and a milkshake. After eating our food we went to recon the city! We walked trough the bayside and towards the center of the city. The weather was nice, sunny and hot, and the bayside was rather clean and very tidy. After a long walk in the sun we desided to go to a mall that was in our way. Went in and had a little shopping trip without shopping anything. After a while I felt like having a beer.
I was really thirsty and so was M. So we decided to find a bar. The nearest one was the Hard Rock Cafe tha I thought it was at the Hard Rock Hotel that was right besides the Mall, but no. It was in the Mall. And, well. The mall was so big that we could not find the place, heh.

Streets of Panama

At the bayside

Hell yeah!

Looks like Miami with all the skyscrapers

It is rather nice here :)

Well, after a couple of hours at the Cafe and a good sheer of different national beers we decided to go and have us a good dinner. We wanted indian food, so we asked the bartender where we could find a good restaurant that served that kind of food. Well, there were not that many so we went for food the one that was closest and easiest to find.

Picture taken from the Hard Rock balcony

An armour inside the mall

Outside it was allready dark, guess we spendt more than just a couple of hours at the HRC, hehe. After walking a couple of blocks and asking random peeps were we could find indian food we were on the right track. A couple of blocks more and voila! there was the place. Don't remember the name of the place but they served food from the middel east.
After a great dinner it was getting late and it was probbably time to get back to the house. But first, we had to take a lookse inside the Casino that was right beside de restaurant :)

After some one armed bandit action it was time to vanish. I was tired and so was M of all the walking around (and all the beer we had, hehe) We took a cab back, cos it would have been nigh impossible to go back by bus this late. The night watchman was there to greet us once again and to open the gates of the Union House. Then it was of to bed. It has been a fine day today. Got to take some nice pictures of the city and had a good time with M.
Tomorrow it's going to be a good day of adventuring :)

Next up....
Red Devil, Panama Canal and G.T.I. Fridays!

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