mandag 5. november 2012

Panama/Chile: Hello homeland

Today I'm leaving Panama so I had to wake a little earlier than usual. Had my breakfast with M and the house keeper. While we were there a lot of people were gathering at the other side of the food hall. I asked the keeper what the gathering was all about, cos' they started to sing jesus-songs. He said that they were churchgoers.
Sommething had happened with their church and did not have anywere to go so the union borrowed them the food hall so they could have the gathering. After breakfast I had to go pack my backpack. Last night it had really poured down, and the surroundings were all floded. It was kinda cool to se that so much water had poured in so little time. M was not going to go out today because she was waiting for the rest of her friends that were supposed to arrive today for the convetion. So she had the honor of hanging around with me while I packed my stuff. I had to get rid of a lot of unnecessary things from my backpack. Guess it was about time I did a little clean up time. The clean-up tok me a while, but I had good music on my laptop and good company to, so the time just flew by. When I was done it wasn't a minute to late. The keeper had allready been calling arround to different taxi drivers to get me a superspecial price. He said that he found the cheapest one and he was on his way. Sweet. Really nice thing to do for me. I grabbed my stuff and waited for the driver to come. The flight was in about 3 hours so I had plenty of time to get there. The driver arrived and I thanked the keeper and said my goodbyes to M. I really had a pleasant time with her here in Panama. Guess she is going to have more of that good time since she is going to be here for about one more week.
Oki, the old taxi driver and I had a good conversation on the way to the airport. After we arrived and he helped me with the bags, he gave me a hug and wished me wellness on my trip. Hehe, the people of panama are a good people indeed.
I checked in and left my bags at the baggage drop, then I went through airport control. At the control I was stopped cos' I had some odd equipment with me.
They wanted to take a look at my hobby box with paint and brushes. I opened it up and they asked me what the different stuff was. I had some superglue a pair of twizers a really small plastic cutter and an x-acto knife. Well, the twizeers are more deadly than the x-acto. but they couldn't let me through. And I did not want to throw away my knife or the cutter. They told me that I could store it in my luggage if the guys at the drop of hadn't taken the luggage away. So I ran off to the drop off but, no dice. They allready had my bags taken away.
Dammit.... Well, I had one more chance to get my stuff through the checkpoint. So I removed the little blade from the x-acto and putted it besides the magnets to conceal it. I also  threw away a smal file that was getting rusty. Went through again and the dudes allready were aware that this was my second time around. They asked if I was able to drop my stuff on one of my bags, but they could clearly see that I didn't. I opened my box again and the only thing that they reacted on was the cutter. I told them that they could just trew it. Blæh, that one was a hobby cutter and I kinda liked it, well, well. At least they didn't took my x-acto, then I would have been pissed.
Went to my gate, but first I had to get rid of my Balboas. So I bought a little pizza and a soda. sat there with my pizza and my laptop to try to write some on my blog. While I was there there were many flights to Chile and there were other companies that asked if there were any passangers that could think of changing the ticket for tommorows flight instead. Hmm... Those that could would get a free flight and could live at a 4 star hotel for the night. Wow, maybe I'll do this. Wonder why there were that many fliyng to Chile today. I listened on to see if my flight had the same promotion, but nope. Nothing and the passangers were allready boarding, well, no matter. The univers want's me to go to Chile asap, so I'll do that.
My flight was going to take me through Colombia. There I would wait a couple of hours and catch the plane to Chile. In Colombia I bought some gifts for my cousins in Chile and sat at a cafe to get me a snack and a beer. The time flew by there to, while I sat there I had the time to blog some :)
If I do not remember wrong my flight was at around10 o'clock. After I boarded the flight I only wanted to listen to music and go sleepy-time on my ass.
At around 5 am I woke up and had a not-so-nice-pain-on-my-back. No wonder, I've been sitting around for too long now.
Anyway, I was in Chile now. Kinda strange, Last time I was here was in 1999. Got my bags and went straight to a cashier. Found then a bus that was going to the bus station in Santiago and took it. After some 20 minutes I was at the station. Then I went to a ticket office and bought a ticket to Villa Alemana. The fee was kinda expensive, but well, what to do. Waited for the bus and after a while it arrived and I boarded it. Nice bus though. The trip to Villa Alemana takes bout 2 hours. So it's sleepy time for me :-)

The drivers helper woke me up. I was allready at my stop so I had to get off. Took my bags an boing! The place looked just the same. It had not changed much since the last time I was here. Thats about 13 years ago. Guess my photografic gps-memory does not fail me after 13 years. Went to the town square and wondered if I should go to grandmas place. I know that my cousin Gerhard is watching over the place but I was not sure if he stayed there or if he had his own place to look after too. Well, I also had another cousin here, but I didn't know if he was home either. Hmm... what to do. Guess I' ll call my auntie in holland. Called her and she told me to get my ass to grandmas and look for a white car. If the car was'nt there then i'll have to go to my other cousins house cos' then Gerhard would be out of town. I walked towards grandmas house and when I arrived there was no car there.

Inside the airport shuttle bus.

The plaza in Villa Alemana

Streets of my home town

A wild dog,heh

Calle Madrid

Hrmmph... He was not there and he had switched off he's mobile so I could not reach him. Well, then I'll have to go to Emanuelle's (E.T.) place. On my way there my other aunt from Brasil called me and told me to go ET's place. Well, I was allready omw there. Talked to her some until I arrived to the place. Hmm... no bell at the entrance. So I'll have to shout. After some manly growls from me, a sleepy kinda guy apeared on the front door. Hehe, that's my homie. ET was kinda baffled to se me at his entrance. Well, I was kinda cought off guard by just being here. Anyway we went inside and I told him about my crazy journey. After a while I met his gf anf another friend that was sleeping there too. They told me that I just arrived for the national day celebrations. No shit. no wonder there were so many flights to Chile yesterday and that the prices on the buses were so expencive.
Well, I took a shower and had a good meal at his house. He had to go to work later that evening. Just for a couple of hours. Well, to make it short I drank and ate like a boss. I stayed with them for 2 days before Gerhard arrived to pick me up. He had been at Chimpansingo or Chimbarango or Chimichanga (one of those 3 must be it) And had rented a cabin for the days hes store was closed. Now he was back and I could stay with him instead. Guess it's better. Don't want to disturb ET. he lives with his gf and if I was going to be around. That would make things akward.

My cousin ET's super special Chile-Brazil parrillada :)

I think this is called "Choripan" 
Basically a bread with a chorizo inside.

My cousin perfecting his "asado" technique.

Delicious meat, if I must say.

Murals on my aunts house.

The steak was getting smaller by the hour.

We ate all the meat. We are some hungry peeps.

Kinda brutal the way I left though. Gerhard (my other cousin) and I had like 20 minutes to get my stuff together and scram. ET wasn't even home at that time. Well, he lives just a block away so we'll be visiting eachother soon enough. All in all, I had a great time at my cousins home. It's a good thing he lives so near :D

Next up...
Grandma's house, La Biblioteca and Smoked Beer!

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