lørdag 16. mars 2013

Chile: Viña del Mar

The flower watch in Viña del Mar.

Ah, Viña del Mar, what a wonderful city this is. Palmtrees, beaches and hot babes!
Here is a little taste of the place, enjoy ;)

If you have me on Facebook, then u have allready seen this one.
Don't ask about the chick at the back, cos' I don't know what she's doing :b

Skaters, common sight around here. Lots'a skaters around.

Always Smile :)

I dunno what this is, Think is a restaurant. Looks like a ship.

"It's been one century since Guiseppe Garibaldi anchored his ship on this beach"

Allright, hope u guys liked the pictures as much as I liked to go around taking them.

Now I'm gonna give ya'all a sitrep. As most of you guys know I have made grandmas home a starting point to where I can go from when traveling around. That makes it very flexible for me, meaning that I do not need to drag everything that I have in my backpack. My cousin was living here with me until this last weekend (or rather I was living there with him) He got his own place now, that means that I'm gonna be living alone. The thing is that I will have limited access to the net now and I will be forced to hang at the local cafe to have to go online (Or I'll just go to my cousins workplace and steal connection from there, bwahaha.) It is terrible, sitting in fancy places and drinking exotic juices. It is brutal :D
Anyways, to end this sitrep I was fed yesterday. Got visited by a friend and she made me some homemade food. Some chicken, potatoes, and loooooots of diferent salads. Man! so much to eat. I actually took a picture of the chicken while she was getting the salad, hehe sneaky picturetaking me. There are some people here that thinks that I eat way too little and too much junk. So they try to feed me whenever they can with homemade stuff. I try to argue cos' I think I eat all the time. But no dice...

Chicken dinner

Next up....
Valparaiso and changing the gas!

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