lørdag 25. mai 2013

Chile: Punta Arenas pt.1

Punta Arenas
After being two weeks at grandmas place I went to Punta Arenas. Took the bus to Santiago and a flight from there straight to my destination. My first impression of Punta Arenas was like being in Alaska :D
The weather was just like home, chilly but not the kind of chill as in Villa Alemana. It’s a small town , but one of the biggest in the region. The nearest towns around here is Puerto Natales with a 2 hour drive and Porvenir that is also a 2 hour trip by boat.
I arrived around 6:00 in the morning, and since it was on a Sunday I thought it would be prudent NOT to go to town this early, so I waited a couple of hours at the airport before I took the local bus to town. 

onsdag 15. mai 2013

Chile: Back to grandma's place

Last day on the island....
Today I had my breakfast and went down to Señora Titas place to say my goodbyes and to exchange adresses. After that I went back to the hostel to take a shower, pack my backpack and to pay the prof. 
When I was ready I said my goodbyes to the peeps at the hostal and of we went to the airport.

torsdag 2. mai 2013

Chile: Easter Island pt.6: My birthday!

My sixth day on the island.
Aww.. Woke a little too late, but today was going to be a chill day. Andre, Nathy and myself were going to try to climb the Terevaka volcano. But halfways there it started to pour and we got all discouraged since it looked so cloudy today.