torsdag 2. mai 2013

Chile: Easter Island pt.6: My birthday!

My sixth day on the island.
Aww.. Woke a little too late, but today was going to be a chill day. Andre, Nathy and myself were going to try to climb the Terevaka volcano. But halfways there it started to pour and we got all discouraged since it looked so cloudy today.
We decided to go back to town. Before we even reached town we were soaked. And I did not have anything dry back at the hostel since my clothes were still wet., damned humidity. We went past Señora Tita’s shop to see if I could buy me a t-shirt but since today was my birthday she gave me a supernice t-shirt. Aww… That was so nice of her. I told her I’ll come back again tomorrow and off we went again.
We went back home to eat some and make ready to go to the beach at Anakena. Since we were feeling a little reduced from yesterday it was going to be great to chill out at the beach.
Meanwhile at the hostal, other peeps arrived today. A French girl and a dude from Brazil, They were going to join us at the beach :D
I had to tell Yesina (a girl that works at the Kona Tau) if she could help me with my wet clothes, cos' they were smelling kinda funky. I asked nicely if she could wash them so I would have sommething to wear tomorrow. Thanks a lot Yessina!

At the beach we bathed and relaxed some, but the friggin ants were a little aggressive if u ask me. So we could not sleep at all because of them. Friggin’ beach ants, haha. All in all, we had a great, funny time at Anakena.

Nathy and André

André with his signature pose :)

Nathy posing like always

And me, playing the monkey like I usually do..

Later, when the sun was leaving us, we went back to the hostel. I wanted really to celebrate my birthday and since tomorrow some of us guys were leaving (Andre, Carlos, Paulo and myself) we thought that we should mark it. So, back at the hostal we made a “vaca” that is a recollection of cash to buy some stuff.  We were going to make it really simple. Beer, and “Choripan” That’s basically bread with a chorizo.
Almost everyone at the hostal  was going to participate. We asked for only 3.000 pesos and Nathy recollected. We actually managed to collect around 48.000. Allright! Now let’s get shopping.

Beer, Chorizo, bread, coal, and some condiments, we were able to get it all. This was going to be great! Got back to the hostel and the prof and myself got the grill up and running while Nathy and Andre took care of making space for all the beer on the fridge, haha! There were quite a good assemblance. We only missed Louise, no one had seen her today and we were getting a little worried. But after a while she showed up, but she wanted to hit the sack. She only had 2 hour sleep last night since we arrived so late (or early) this morning. Hell, no! Nobody is going to sleep on my watch! I almost had to drag her out of her room. Well, I actually started to sing outside her room and was not going to shut up until she put herself together and had some beers with us, haha. Good thing I sing terrible cos’ she had to give up after a just two songs!

Choripan action! This is the way to go!

Nathy is ghosting by.

Chow time! Let's dig in!

Ah, this has been a great day and a sweet birthday, I did not have my friends and family with me today, but I’ve made some new ones and I’m really happy to have met them and shared these good times with such a nice bunch of totally different people with one sheared dream. To explore ;) 
Party on buddies!

Next up…
Goodbye Easter Island... 

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