fredag 13. november 2015

Argentina: Puerto de Iguazu

Parque Nacional de Iguazu.

Good day to ya’all!
Today we are on our way to look at the waterfalls of Iguazu from the Argentinean side of the border. Not gonna say a lot here, the pics will talk for themselves. Enjoy.

Lots of people at the falls.

Nice picture of my companion :)

My phone takes quite good pictures, if I must say.

Cute little animal, just like in Brazil...

Until I found this... Gotta stay away from them.

Getting all wet here

Good thing I got my GoPro.

We could take a train around the park. Unfortunately a part of the line was closed due to heavy raining so we couldn't see the whole park, but I think it was good enough. Actually I enjoyed the Argentinean side much more, probably because the falls felt closer than on the Brazillian side.
Anyway, the rest of the day we got back to town to change and go straight to the nice restaurant to eat kick-ass good pizza and beer!
After dinner, Nathy and me walked around town looking for some libraries to see if could find something different (or in spanish) to read. We entered one at the main street and the lady that owned the place asked us not to make a mess (???) Anyway, we strolled along and found another one that was quite good and had a lot of different books. But I was going to wait and not buy anything. I was going to wait until I get to the one in Sao Paulo. I've heard that library is huge and I'm looking for something special.

Next up…..
Back to Brazil

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