søndag 28. april 2013

Chile: Easter Island pt.5

Day five....
Well, well... The first thing I did today after breakfast was to look if my clothes were dry. But nooo, It rained  last night and all my clothes were wet again, hrumph.... I hope they get dry by tommorow cos`I'm getting short on clothes :b

Anyway, Today I'm gonna try to meet up with Caveman-David again. I'm going to look for some handmade stuff at the local marked and compare the prices with all those small independent retailers around the mains street. What I found was more than good prices.
Anyway, the stuff I was searching for was a couple of earrings, a pendant and some Moais for me and Rodrigo. I think I spent over an hour at the first marked in the main street. Not searching for the stuff but talking to people there. The people like to talk a lot and I enjoy listening. Suddenly in the middle of a conversation with an old lady, my buddy Caveman showed up. Ha! He was also on the search for some trinkets.

After a while we moved on and we checked the prices on different independent stores. But at the second store I started to talk to this lady, Señora Tita and she kinda got my attention since she had some crazy stories to tell. David was going to the next store meanwhile but I just stood there and listened to this lady. After a while (maybe 20 min) I remembered David and told the lady that I would come back later to listen to her stories. I walked towards the other marked to see if I could cath on to Caveman, but he was long gone. Ugh, what a lousy buddy I am. Well, guess he had to run, he was going to dive today so he went probably back to the hotel to make himself ready. I on the other hand checked out the prices on the marked, but the stuff there was way more expensive than the stuff on those independent stores. So I went back to Señora  Tita's store. On my way there, I went into this small, but cosy and well designed store. They sold different jewelry made from different materials from the island. I bought a pair of nice looking earring for a friend of mine and talked some with the sweet girl that was at the store.
I kinda promised I would say hi to her from my blog. Hola Nicole! Un saludo para ti ;)

This is Nicole.

Looking good... Well, at least Nicole, cos' I look sunburned.

After a while there I walked on and got to the store of Señora Tita. There she got me a seat and a glass of coke. Then she started to tell me the story of her life. It was quite amusing. She is even writing a book about it. We sat there the whole afternoon with random tourist coming in and buying stuff. There were also other people tht went by, just to say hi. It was really nice, got to meet a lot of different peeps just to sit there with Señora Tita.  Some hours later we were feeling very hungry so she ordered a “Chacarero” at the the restaurant “Adonde el Guaton”. I went over there and got the food while she waited for me at the store. Got back and we started to eat. Chacarero is basically a burger, the thing is that the meat is beef and it got green beans. 

Me and Señora Tita.

Uh-oh… It was getting kinda late and I had to go. I was going with the other guys at the hostel to this Easter-island dance show. But first I needed to buy a moai at Señora Tita’s store.I found one and I got little present to my bro too. When I was ready to get going she grabbed another moai and she said that the second one was going to be a present from her. Awesome. The only thing I needed to do was to place both of the mohais together the time I get back home.

She even gave me a sweet deal on the stuff that I bought, what a sweet lady. I promised to come by another day before I leave the island and of I went cos’ I was running late.
Got back at the hostel and the peeps were making themselves ready to go. We all got into the professors van (the guy that runs the hostel) and off we went to the dance show with the popular dance group named Vai Te Mihi.

Wainting for the dancers to show up.

Nathy all by herself here.
We didn't have reservations so we got seated all over the place. 

Since we had to wait a while, Most of us went out to se the sunset 
with Pisco Sour in hand, HA!

Paulo from Brazil

The gang from the hostel. Different peeps with a common goal.
To travel in search for adventure!

Ah, the dance has started.

I had my little minute on the spotlight that evening :b

Do I look happy or what? Haha!

Great show I must say, really energetic. I even had the chance to go on stage and dance a little.
Even my buddy Caveman Dave was there. I told him that we could meet later on to grab a beer since the prof came back to drive us back to the hostel.
Back at the hostel we had a little party-fever. We were ready to rock! Some of us took a shower while Master-chef Carlos prepared a super-nice dinner for all of us.
Gotta eat something before we go all crazy with the beer, haha.


Say hello guys!

After dinner all of us that wanted to go out left the hostel in search of a place to boogie.
Found this place besides a supermarked with live music, really chill place with people from different ages having a great time. The only thing was that it closed it’s doors at 3 o’clock in the morning and we were just getting started! So, we asked around and found another place near the coast. So we went there. It was packed with people. Mostly peeps from the island.  The entrance fee came with a drink and a chance to win epic prices. Every ticket had a number and at the end of the night numbers were drawn! First price was a plane ticket to Santiago, second was a “costillar” (that’s ribs) and a bottle of whisky and third was a sixpack of beer and some other stuff, funny... Even if we did not win a thing, haha.
We were not that many now, only me, Andre, Nathy, Louise, and Carlos I belive… Hmm. Anyway, we had fun and we surely had some nice stories to tell.

Next up…
My birthday, yell yeah!

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