tirsdag 2. april 2013

Chile: Easter Island pt.1

First day on the island
Got pretty late at the Hostel Kona Tau because the plane was delayed.  A 5 hour flight from Santiago  to the island and my ass was a mess. I dunno what I’m gonna do when I’ll be traveling to New Zealand. I think it’s a 13 hour flight.
Oki, the only thing that I wanted was a warm shower and a good night’s sleep. Wich I got.
The next morning I met my roommate Kim. He was a Danish guy that unfortunately was going to catch the plane today. He told me a lot about the different things he did while staying here. Then I met Laura, a girl from Holland. She and Kim were the only ones at the hostal and Laura was only going to stay one more night before she had to fly to Chile. Anyway after Kim left, Laura had in mind a little volcano climbing adventure. So I accompanied her on that adventure.  Great Scott! That was quite a walk. Just how I like it. I don’t know how many hours it took us to get to the top but it was well worth it.

After lookin’ at the Volcano we went to Orongo. That is a site with ruins on the side of the volcano, We smuggled ourselves in with a bunch of gringos from the state, so we skipped paying, hehe…  Anyway, after the little looksee of the ruins and a little pause, we were ready to walk back to the hostel. On our way back we were accompanied by a dog. Hmm…  He just wanted to walk with us on his way home. On the afternoon I tried to catch the Rice-boy so I could give him his rice, but no dice. I’ll try tomorrow. Went home and bought me some stuff at the local supermarked. Can’t say they got a lot of different things to pick between. But the prices are at least the dubble of what it is in Chile. Got back to the Hostel, made me some food and went to bed. Tomorrow me and Laura are going to have to wake up early to go se the local museum. She is leaving at 13:00 and needs to be there 1-2 hours before. 

On our way to the volcano, got to see the descend of the daily plane.

At the feet of Rano Kau.

Laura is seriously watching...

At last! Rano Kau!

Quite the view :)

Superpicture! Thanks to Laura's supercamera!

UpUp and Away!

Danger, Danger Will Robinson!

Orongo museum

NO! These stones are all over the place.

Ruins of Orongo.

And now. Back at the Hostel Kona Tau.
Here is a link to the Hostel if any of you are lucky to get to the island and wants to stay at a cheap place ;)


Sweet view, eh?

The local church. At the end of  Te Pito te Henua Street.

This is the sundown.

Quite beautiful.

Next up...
Easter Island Part two!

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