fredag 12. april 2013

Chile: Easter Island pt.4

Day Four!
Today I slept away the morning. Waking up only in the nick of time to get breakfast. After that I started the tedious work of having to wash my clothes. Before noon I finished my work and decided to go to Anakena. That was quite the decision since Anakena is on the other side of the island.
Anakena is around 18k from the town.  Bought some water and off I went towards adventure. The weather was fluctuating and there were small rainclouds all over the place. But right now they were kinda welcomed. I was a little burned from yesterdays trek. After walking around for 2 hours, a elderly gent pulled over and asked me if I needed a ride. I said yes and got into his pickup. The señor was 93 years old and drove reaaaaaly slow, but it was better than walking.
One of the things he said was way to epic not to share with you guys, here goes.
Elderly Gent: “Are you from Chile?”
PJ: “Was born there, but I was raised in Norway”
EG: “Norway… A long way from here… No matter, you were born in Chile. That means you are family to me”

There is only one thing to say here. AWESOME!

Well. The señor was at his destination so I said my thanks with hugs and a picture and walked on. I tink I’m almost halfway now.  After an hour another car pulled over with another elderly guy that was on his way to his cabin. He drove about 10 minutes until he got to the cabin and I had to continue walking. After another hour I got to the sign below. Allright!

It was so nice to get to Anakena. I just wanted to get into the water and cool of.
After a little bath in the ocean I took a little nap at the beach. But after an hour or so it got very warm and I got to find some shade under some palmtrees. There I slept a couple of hours more.
After the super nice sleep I really had to get going. Ugh... I was not looking forward for the long walk home.

Well, I started walking towards Hanga Roa and after an hour or so a car pulled over. And ofcourse they gave me a ride. Sweet! They even drove me to the Hostel, haha. These people were from the island and they were super cool. They even wanted to take me out fishing and wanted to give me a huge watermelon, but the thing was way to big. No way I could accept such a gift, so I declined and said my goodbyes. They had allready done way to much for me. Now I had to hit the showers and look for sommething to eat!

Next up...
Shopping spree and Hula-Dancing!

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