søndag 23. juni 2013

Chile: Punta Arenas pt.4


Great scott! Today I see pinguins!
I had to wake up early today to get to the meeting point where I had to take the tour from. The ladies at the hostel had already fixed me some breakfast. Well, after a fast breakfast I walked to the meeting point were the tour bus was supposed to leave from. Got to the office and met some other tourists that were going with me. There I met this Spanish girl that was actually at the same hostel that I was staying on. Funny thing. Well, we took the bus and a boat to Isla Magdalena.

Got to the island and the guide showed us the path we were supposed to go. On the way we could see a lot of holes on the ground were the penguins do their nesting. The only thing was that I could see no penguins around !?
Well after a while we saw one. The poor guy was in a hole on the ground and did not want to come out. Well, walked on and then we saw another one. The guide said that the penguin was a newborn that the penguin family left behind. So sad… And the third one was an old penguin that stayed behind because it’s well, too old to go with the rest.
3 Penguins! That is what I saw, what a disaster!  And I’m not counting on the dead one that we found :b
Well, at least the island was beautiful and I had good company.

Me and Inma


Who is hiding in the hole?

A little penguin!

After the island, we moved on to another one to see the sea lions in action. That was another disaster, cos’ we could not approach the island and the boat rocked like there was no tomorrow.  The friggin’ boat rocked vertically and horizontally (I don’t even know if that is even possible) Anyway, I tried to take pictures of far away Sea lions. They were so far away that my cam could not differentiate them from rocks. Ugh… To top it all, the rocking of the boat was making Inma a little sea sick.
After the island of the sea lions we went back to main land were we took the van back to town. Inma was a little annoyed about the tour, well so was I since there were almost nothing to see at Isla Magdalena. 3 Penguins was nothing to brag about.
When we got back to town  we headed to a café to warm ourselves from the cold, grab a cup o’ coffee and to talk about ourselves.

Sweet Inma from Spain

Well, after a while we went back to the hostel cos’ Inma was leaving later on. At the hostel while Inma was putting her bag together I had a little tea-time with Pamela and the gardener.
These peeps have really been taking care of me lately. Well, the cab of Inma arrived and she told me to come to Santiago so she could show me around. That could be a good idea since the only place I've been to was a couple of museums and that's it.

After she left I went out to grab something to eat. I got myself an overdose of empanadas that day.  
All in all, even if I did not see the amount of Penguins that I wanted it had been a really good day ;)

Next up….
Sunday people, and Monday Nathy

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