onsdag 4. desember 2013

Bolivia: Lake Titicaca & Isla Del Sol

We woke up early enough to catch breakfast and run out to get the boat to Isla Del Sol. Good thing the hotel is right besides the pier. Well, after arriving at the island, we could do our tour of the place in two different ways.

 One: Go to the museum, go up the mountain, check out the ruins, head back to the boat and then take it to the other side of the Island to chill out for a couple of hours. And then go home.
Or two: Go to the museum, go up the mountain, check out the ruins, go up another mountain and follow the road across the whole island by foot to the other side were the boat would wait. Then you could take the boat and head home. Guess which one we decided to take ;)
Yeah, that’s it. We are not here to relax. Up the mountain we went. Ah, one other thing, we actually met Zara here. I’m telling ya! The world is so small for some of us!


The most sacred stone. Legend say that it has a lot of energy.

Meeting Z was a pleasant surprise for me and Nathy. She, as the adventurer she was, was also going to hike across the mountain. She was not with Charice this time. Charice was not to go exploring today I guess. But she brought another friend of hers. I actually don’t remember her name, but when do I remember anybody’s name anyway.
We started together, but at some point we got separated. Dunno’ how it happened. 
The hiking went well enough, but we were so out of breath because of the altitude. This would have been a piece of cake, but the altitude made it hard for us to go faster. Anyway, I’ll stop whining and you guys check out the pictures we took from our little trip across the hills.

Z and her friend

This picture cost Nathy 3 candy

Me and Nathy

Aw, man! It was murder to go uphill.

After a couple of hours walking, we managed to arrive at the little town we were going to take the boat from.  Good gravy, we were exhausted when we arrived at the docks. We just slept all the way to Copacabana. When we arrived and walked to our hotel, we suddenly met Colombia and the Kiwis, Hahaha!
Well, they had just arrived and were staying at our hotel too! Well, me and Nathy just wanted to relax for the rest of the day. It had been a hard day. And we were hungry.
For the rest of the evening we arranged our backpacs and later on went out to find something to eat, we roamed the city to check out were we could eat, so we decided to grab a pizza. We went to this local restaurant and ordered one since they had a lot of signs saying they had great pizza. We wanted to take it with us back at the hotel so we could watch some television while we ate. Well, my Spider sense was tingling when the girls that were serving started to pack our pizza in plastic bags. Hmm… I didn’t had the time to see the pizza when they handed it to me in the bag. They had actually folded the pizza in two so it could fit in the bag. That alone was mysteriously concerning. Well. I tried not to say anything at the time.
But when we arrived at the hotel and opened the bag, my choler rose. That was not a pizza in any sense. It looked like they used big pita bread as a bun and just put some cheese tomato and bacon on top of it. 
You could actually peal of the cheese away from the bread. Pita bread has a smooth surface so the cheese wouldn’t stick to it. This was just blasphemy of the highest degree! I was so indignated by this that I only took a bite of it and threw the rest. Nathy was calmer than I, so she ate her part of the blasphemous pizza. I on the other hand rushed out to find me a real place to buy a pizza. Nobody was going to deny me my pizza craving.
I had already spotted a place where the probability of getting a decent pizza was. It was right besides were we sent our clothes to laundry (yeah, we did that today also) I went there, bought a pizza and took it back to the hotel. Nathy just laughed at me and I guess she thinks I'm a goofball for acting like that, But she couldn't deny that the second pizza was a good one, heh...
Ok, enough ranting from my part. I’ll talk more tomorrow.

Next up…
Back to La paz.

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