mandag 1. juli 2013

Argentina: Calafate y Perito Moreno

Our room in Calafate

As usual we had to wake up early today. Our bus was leaving from the bus terminal at around 08:00 and we had a couple of blocks to cover before we could get there. Well, We got to the terminal, took our bus and headed towards the national park. We had to make a stop to pay the park fee. After that, our second stop was at the lagoon. There we could take a boat towards the glacier, so we did.

Biffe de Chorizo

These last 3 photos were supposed to be on the last post I posted. They are from yesterdays dinner in Calafate :) Down we continue our trip to Perito Moreno.

After about an hour in the boat, we went back to shore to take the bus further up the hill and to the ramps. The ramps are a series of, well ramps that take you near the glacier Perito Moreno. Take a look at these awesome picts.

Well, after Perito, we headed back to town to grab something to eat, to buy some cheap socks for me and to relax awhile. Later on we bought some beer with an Argentinean guy we meet at the hostel. I really can’t recall the name of the guy, but, well, well
Back at the hostel we started drinking and mingling with the people that were staying at the hostel. After a while we decided to go out to a local pub/ bar/whatever to party some more.
Well, to make it short, we came back to the hostel at around 6 o’clock in the morning. Just enough time to take a shower, pack the bags and grab a quick breakfast before we had to run to the bus station to grab our bus back to Puerto Natales.

The town of Calafate

Nathy trying to hide from the camera

One chubby dog

Nathys boyfriend

And mine, ha!

The 5 hour trip back to Chile went super-fast. I slept like a baby all the way. No wonder, since we had been  hitting the bottle pretty hard last night :b

On our way to the bus station in Calafate

And here, at the bus station in Puerto Natales. After a 5 hour drive from Calafate.

Puerto Natales

We did not stay long in Puerto Natales. We kinda took the bus to Punta Arenas almost right away. We had a cup of coffe and waited for about an hour before we got the nex bus out of town.

Next up....
Back in Punta Arenas and on to Porvenir.

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