onsdag 6. november 2013

Bolivia: Uyuni pt.4 The town

Ah, a new day, and another shitty night for me. It was so shitty that Nathy considered that it was best if I went to see a doc. She was right, even if I did not want to. After a lot of asking around (Nathy asked, I had lost my voice) we found two different hospitals. The first one was kinda pricey but the second was super cheap. To make the story short, I asked for an appointment to see a doctor, waited for about 5 minutes before the doc saw me. He took a look and did doctor things before he gave me a prescription on antibiotics. Some pills and a shot in the ass, ugh….
After that it was straight back to the hotel to sleep and regain some more strength. Nathy had already bought bus tickets to Potosi for tomorrow and I was hoping to feel a lot better by tomorrow.

Outside de Hotel were we stayed.

Why on earth is Michael Jackson on the Pizzeria. Not that I'm complainig, 
but I don't se the connection there :b

In our hotel room. Quite nice.

Dinner time with Nathy

Next up…
Potosi, the city that doesn’t give a rat’s ass.

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