mandag 26. august 2013

Ecuador: Quito pt.6. Last day.

Today Ara leaves back to Spain, and I wanted to follow her to the airport. The flight was late in the afternoon and we had all morning to try to do fun stuff or see some new place in the city. The plan changed when Guido and Florencia offered Ara a ride to the airport and at the same time on the way to the airport (cos’ the friggin airport is so far away from the city) we could visit some small towns.

torsdag 22. august 2013

Ecuador: Quito pt.5 Roadtrip

Today I’m going on a roadtrip with Florencia and Guido. Ara was going on another trip with his colleague and some other peeps and I decided not to interrupt them, so Guido and Florencia said that we could do our own trip, ha! They are so sweet.

mandag 19. august 2013

Ecuador: Quito pt.4

Today as the other days I had my breakfast with Guido and Florencia, and after that I went out to meet up with Ara. As yesterday, she left early this morning too. Well I was going to meet her later on. Today I went even further away on an epic stroll around the city. Walked a couple of hours until I reached this huge park (don’t remember the name)

lørdag 17. august 2013

Ecuador: Quito pt.3

Today, I woke up late, but not late enough to miss breakfast. Florencia made me fresh pressed orange juice while Guido was eating a really tasty cheese he had bought. That man knows how to pick great cheese.
 Well, after an awesome breakfast, I checked if my download was finished. And yes! The new Daft Punk album was available to listen to! What bliss! I loaded it into my Mp3 player and went out to find “El Museo de la Ciudad”

fredag 16. august 2013

Ecuador: Quito pt.2

Museums, museums 
Well, what can I tell about Quito. It is a wonderful city of colors. The second day there was as good as the first. Ara had to go to the museum of contemporary art to, well, do whatever she does. Meetings, brainstorming and such. I on the other hand had nothing else to do than to roam the city by myself and to go to other museums. I did accompany her to the museum of contemporary art, but after I was done I felt I would just be in the way and didn’t wanted to be of any distraction to her.

torsdag 15. august 2013

Ecuador: Quito pt.1, Meeting Araceli

Aww… It was really nice to see Ara again. It had been a while since last time I saw her and she had not changed a bit. The first thing she did was to invite me for breakfast. Aww, she’s so nice. Well, after an excellent breakfast, we started to roam the city and the first thing that caught my eye was this huge angel atop a hill (El Panecillo). Well, it is better to show you guys the pictures than me talking about it ;)

onsdag 14. august 2013

Chile/Ecuador: Next stop: Quito!

Arrived in Santiago early in the morning. The first thing was to have some breakfast and wifi. Got to a café and skyped a little before I met up with Nathy for dinner. We were thinking of going to Bolivia, Peru and Brazil so we could join forces for that epic trip. After meeting Nathy’s mom I left to go and meet Inma at her place. I was going to spend the night there. Much better than having to spend the night in Villa Alemana, were everything was breaking down. I didn’t even have warm water there, brrrr…..

tirsdag 13. august 2013

Chile: More small towns

These are the last three towns I visit before ending my Tour to success here in Chile. From Osorno I went on to Valdivia. I arrived just in time for the week-end so I took the day off to look around. Well the first impression of Valdivia was a spooky one, with foggy, dark streets with little to none people on the streets. But the next morning was a different story.  Check out the pictures.