onsdag 14. august 2013

Chile/Ecuador: Next stop: Quito!

Arrived in Santiago early in the morning. The first thing was to have some breakfast and wifi. Got to a café and skyped a little before I met up with Nathy for dinner. We were thinking of going to Bolivia, Peru and Brazil so we could join forces for that epic trip. After meeting Nathy’s mom I left to go and meet Inma at her place. I was going to spend the night there. Much better than having to spend the night in Villa Alemana, were everything was breaking down. I didn’t even have warm water there, brrrr…..

Well, I met up with Inma and after a relaxing (warm) shower we went out for dinner in Bellas Artes.  Well, the next day I went back to Villa Alemana to pack my backpack , wash my clothes and to say hi to friends and family before leaving to Ecuador!

Got to the airport in the afternoon, a little early than usual, but that was a good thing to do since the fuckers at LAN had not registered that I was supposed to be on the flight. After a lot of calling around and waiting, I was able to board the plane. Well, when I Arrived at Quito, my backpack did not arrive with me, it was stuck in Guayaquil. That sucked hard. Good thing I was prepared for such eventualities. I always carry a spare change in my hand luggage. The other thing is that I wouldn’t get my backpack until the day after tomorrow. Ugh… What a revolting development! Anyway, I went to the guest house that Ara had reserved room in. I got there at around 2 in the morning. Rang the bell and a lady showed up. She told me that there were no more rooms available and that Ara had tried to contact me earlier because she had arranged a room at another hotel. Well, since I didn’t had any internet connection it was impossible for me to know. Anyway, I found out where the hotel was and the lady offered me a ride to the place since it was late and it was supposedly dangerous to go by foot at night. What a sweet lady. Her name was Florencia and she took me to the hotel. I would have wandered for hours if it wasn't for her. 
The Next Morning I got a message from Ara that she was coming to pick me up so we could have breakfast together. 
One other thing before I end this post, since I've allready finished all my Horus Heresy books and was unable to find the new ones here in Chile (or South America for that matter) Karolina, my friends sister borrowed me a book of Paulo Coelho named "The Alchemist". It took me about 4-5 hours to read it, but man, what a great book it was. I felt somewhat identified by the main character. He was traveling too, although he was very young and inexperienced. 
Anyway, if you are travelling as I am, pick up the book and give it a shot ;) Btw, thanks Karolina

Next up…
Encountering Ara and wonderful Quito

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