torsdag 22. august 2013

Ecuador: Quito pt.5 Roadtrip

Today I’m going on a roadtrip with Florencia and Guido. Ara was going on another trip with his colleague and some other peeps and I decided not to interrupt them, so Guido and Florencia said that we could do our own trip, ha! They are so sweet.
Well, we went to see this old friend of Guido that is a stonecutter(!?) Well, this guy had the biggest stone cutting facility in South America and was kinda of a big-shot. After he gave us a round tour of the facility he invited us for dinner. So we sat on his 4x4 and went up to a hill were he knew of a fancy restaurant that was situated there. The hill was not a hill; it was an old volcano, ha.

This is Guido and Florencia

Florencia, Guido, Stonecutter friend & myself

A cloud is heading our way.

Oh yeah, it's getting cloudy.

After dinner we went back to his facility to get Guidos car so we could move on. From there we went to the center of the world or to be more correct the middle of the equator.

The middle of the world! I'm on onw side and Guido is on the other.

Wood Elf. Store of magical beings. How cute.

And then it was Ice cream time before we headed back to the city. There we went to see a colonial house that Guido and Florencia owns. Charming house, here are the pics.

Little toy museum

The view from the colonial house of Guido and Florencia.

Guido and Florencia playing around.

Later on I was to meet up with Ara to grab a beer, so I told Guido to drop me by one of the squares were I was supposed to meet up with her. A funny thing happened to me while in the car. Guido's grandsons were coming too and sat with me in the car. The youngest one, I’m guessing he was about 9 or 10 I sat right besides me at the back. While I was leaned forward talking to Guido the little boy began to stroke my arm. At first I thought he wanted to se my armband of the Easter Island Turtle I had. I asked him if he liked it, But then I realized that he was not interested in it, so I asked. “Uhm… What’s up little buddy?”  and he replied while he was still touching my arm: “You have so much hair! You are just like a bear!”
Hahaha! That was epic, what a sweet kid.  We all had a good laugh since we found that pretty amusing. I am hairy but I have never been called a bear.  Well, on with the story. I was bound to meet Ara at this plaza but she had been caught up with her friends and now they were at another place across the city, ugh. Anyway, that was no problem for a man such as I. I just took the Trolley and headed there.
Anyway, after a lot of beer and a nice dinner, we went back to the house, there she gave some interesting presents. With all the cool stuff that had transpired these past few day she totally forgot to give them to me.  

Went to eat here with Ara

Next up….
Ara leaves and I meet a guinea pig.

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