søndag 23. september 2012

Maxico: Chillin' at Playa del Carmen.

Todays breakfast was assorted fruits and a piece of bread. I didn't wanted any coffe cos' I don't trust the hostel coffe. And because my stomach doesn't felt right just yet. I sat with an old guy at the porch to have my breakfast. The kitchen was allready full of people and there were no seats left. Well, sat there with the old dude. He was traveling about and staying on different hostels around. He was retired and he lived very well on his pension. After breakfast, I packed my bag, paid and left to go to the bus station. There I bought a ticket to Playa del Carmen.

Mexico: Cancun.Revolting Development

Breakfast call again! And today they had some grey stuff and some yellow goo. I asked what in the Sam Hill this was. The grey was mashed beans and the yellow, I don't remember. It had some tortilla chips on it anyway. It tasted good though. Sat with a lot peeps today, Some had just arrived and others were just leaving.

fredag 21. september 2012

Mexico: Cancun. Onwards! To the Beach!

Breakfaaaast, you party dogs!
The receptionist woke us up. He came around every room and gave us the wake up call. He was making breakfast and you better wake up. I stood up, and went downstairs. He was making pancakes, nam! Sat there with a girl from the states that was travelling around making some kind of travel show. She was going to Cuba to shoot, and to Belize.

søndag 16. september 2012

Mexico: Bus to Cancun

Today I leave for Cancun. That's the tourist hub of Mexico. Lots of grinos going there to spend their dollares. Well, I took a shower and left my towel in the sun to dry. Then I went to my room to pack my stuff. Had things everywhere so It took a while to sort things and make my backpack as compact as I possibly can. I was going to leave at 16:00 from the bus station and the trip was going to last for about 18 hours. Aw, man.

mandag 10. september 2012

KFC and latte for me!

Another slooow morning.
Woke up and had breakfast. But this time I skipped the coffe. I was feeling a little flatulent. and there is sommething that makes me feel this way. I can't say I eat that much, so I don't know why I'm having problems with the food. Blast! I just ate, my two toasts and went to my room just to relax a little.  After a while I just went out for a walk. I got pretty far this time. On the way I met more angry villagers. This time there was a demostration going on. They were walking around the town shouting and weaiving with some flags and pictures of a teacher that is in prison. Think it was a teacher. And the villagers want him free now! Free Paklistan! (heh, funny name of the teacher)

søndag 9. september 2012

Lazy day

The second floor of the hostel

Slept like a rock! Stood up and Alejandro had made me coffe, so I sat with him and talked a lot about mexico in general. Good to know about how the country really is and not only what the government want's to show the tourists. After breakfast I sat a little with the laptop, trying to write some. Had gotten some mails I had to reply I got even a call from my brother. A little later on I took my dirty clothes and began to scrub them. I did not wanted to pay for any laundri, so I decided to do it myself. Last time I sent my towel and It smelled a little funky when I used to dry myself. Last time I showered I smelled like that funky towel, blæh...
So I needed to wash it. After  I left my clothes to dry. I went downstairs to get my little blue bag that Ara gave me. I had put too much weight on it and it was unstitching in the seams. So I got my sewing kit and began to reinforce the bag. Sat at the sun, with the bag and a needle. Just chilling out. When I finnished I walked to my laptop to write some more on my other blog, Paintzz.

lørdag 8. september 2012

Gimme' ya' money!

Blam! What a cold night. Just the way I like it. Slept longer and more relaxed than when I was at that furnace of a place in Tuxtla.

torsdag 6. september 2012

Mexico: San Cristobal de las Casas. Escape!

Inside Qhio

Those workers. Why don't they let me sleep. Ugh... Guess I'll just wake up and do sommething usefull, like eating breakfast. After breakfast, I got my laundry (jupp, the hostel had laundry service) and went upstairs to my room to pack. I packed everything in a jiffi, and waited a little while before I went down to the lobby. I checked out, grabbed a cab and went to the bus station. Bought a ticket for the next bus to San Cristobal de Las Casas and waited around 10 minutes before the bus arrived. I was in luck, hehe. So long Tuxtla! I' won't miss ya. Well, not the heat, anyway. After about 1 hour I arrived to San Cristobal. It had the "pueblo" feeling about it, and the temperature was about 17-20 degree celsius. Strange thing that the temperature can change so much. Tuxtla is just 1 hour away.

tirsdag 4. september 2012

Mexico: Tuxtla Gutierrez. Explosions!


Woke up early today because the heat kept waking me up, blæh. Went down to the kitchen to have me some tortilla breakfast and see my mail. Posted some pics on FB and looked that Tsuchiya-san was in San Cristobal. He said that San Cristobal was beautifull and that it was colder than Oxaca. Colder eh? That's what I need right now, because I was allready sweating. After breakfast, I went outside. I had to go back to the wallmart to pick some stuff, and I had been thinking about the little kid from yesterday.

mandag 3. september 2012

Mexico: Tuxtla Gutierrez. Heatwave....

Had a night of pain. It's not always a good thing to sleep on a bus with a metal bar on your ribs. But I guess it was better than if I was sitting next to someone for 10 hours. At least I could move around, so I shouldn't complain. Arrived at Tuxtla Gutierrez around 8 o'clock in the morning. Took a cab to the only hostel that I knew of, Hostal San Miguel. There I booked for two nights in a private room. I thought it would be a good idea. That would let me work alone undisturbed. On my blog and maybe paint some. I took a shower and took my blue bag and went out to find some fun stuff to see and supplies.

søndag 2. september 2012

Goodbye Oxaca.

Wow, it really rained a lot last night. But cosidering, I slept really well. Stood up and had breakfast. Today the cook made some strange thing. It was a long bun with a hot black-greish thing inside. Tsuchiya-san had allready eaten his breakfast so I sat there for myself. Afterwards I found out that the black thing was beans, haha. Packed my stuff and left it at the hostel. My bus was going to leave at 10:30 and that meant that I had the whole day in front of me.

lørdag 1. september 2012

Mexico: Oxaca: Observatorium.

Murals of the dead.

The night was a little cold. Colder than usual, I may have to use my sleeping bag if it gets this cold tonight. Had a sweet breakfast today. They made, Hmm... I don't recall what I had for breakfast. The cook makes differeent stuff all the time. Sat with Tsuchiy-San and chatted a little with Ara, before I left for the hills. I packed my little blue bag that Ara gave me with my painting stuff and the tripod Kjell bought to me at the marked in Oslo. Made me some sanwiches with the bread I bought yesterday and walked out of the hostel.