fredag 21. september 2012

Mexico: Cancun. Onwards! To the Beach!

Breakfaaaast, you party dogs!
The receptionist woke us up. He came around every room and gave us the wake up call. He was making breakfast and you better wake up. I stood up, and went downstairs. He was making pancakes, nam! Sat there with a girl from the states that was travelling around making some kind of travel show. She was going to Cuba to shoot, and to Belize.
After the breakfast, I met up with my buddy from yesterday at the lobby, he and his girl was going to a beach in Tulum or sommething. He asked if I wanted to go with them, but my spider-sense was tingling. His girlfriend really didn't like me at all. I told him that I was probably scaring her, because she was always keeping away. And well, he told me that she was probably scared of the beard I have, haha! Anyway, I was going to another beach so I declined.
I walked out of the hostel with my Gopro to take some pictures of the beach.  My phone was flat, because this other dudes in the dorm were always using the outlets and I didn't had the chance to recharge my phone. But my Gopro was supposed to be charged. But nooo, halfways on my little walk, it started to blink and the battery died on me. Crap!

I found a lot of iguanas and crabs on my way to the beach. Lots of big white crabs that were hiding on holes on the ground. Walked a lot in the burning sun. Maybe 2 hours, before I reached a beach. Playa de Perlas or sommething. Wow, I almost gave up on finding the beach. I was wearing flip-flops and I allready had some wounds on my feet. Ouch. Tried to walk barefooted, but no dice. The concrete was too hot and I burned my feet, doubble Ouch! Anyway, I arrived at the beach and my stomach was all worked up, trippel Ouch! Ah, well. Cooled myself down on the beach and tried to relax some. It was a nice beach. White pearly sand and crystal blue water. I suppose this is the Carribean sea. Too bad I didn't get any pictures of it. After a while I decided to return to the hostel. On my way back, I grabbed a bus. Any, bus. The good thing was that it stopped a block from the hostel, nice. Walked over to the hostel and took a cold shower. Then I met up with James (the canadian) and some other guys. James wanted to borrow my laptop to download some music. At around 17:00 I had to run. Was going to the Gamer's Den to sit down and paint some. Walked over and thanks the machine spirit! the store had AC. Just what I needed. After my beach walk I was really overheated and the cold shower I took wasn't that cold. Sat there and started to paint. After a while some of the other guys that I met yesterday arrived. And also some new ones that heard roumors tha a guy from Scandinavia was visiting. Talk about fast rumors, haha. Talked a lot with a young guy that had heard about me from the guys from yesterday, If I don't remmember wrong his name is Hugo. (Hiya buddy! Hope everything is well!) He had allready seen my work on the blog and wanted me to give him some pointers on how to paint miniatures. He was going to buy the Battle For Black Reach starter set. He wants to paint Ultramarines or maybe Crimson fists. He was still deciding on what color scheme he is going to use. Anyway, for more on this go to my other blog, Paintzzz.
Was there a while. I even had two HeroClix matches with my TigerShark, Egghead and Abomination. Unfortunatelly I lost both the matches, but it was great fun!
Later that evening I went to the hostel to write a little and relax. But that was not an option, you meet a lot of people all the time and does not give you the time to sit and put your mind together. Guess I'll have to try sommething else tomorrow.

Note to the reader: I haven't been very good at posting any blogs this coupel of weeks, cos' I've been all over the place and well, I don't have internet connection all the time. So just bear with me on this, and I'll try to post as often as I can :)

Next up...
Flight ticket, Mall and Abraham Lincoln!?

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