lørdag 8. september 2012

Gimme' ya' money!

Blam! What a cold night. Just the way I like it. Slept longer and more relaxed than when I was at that furnace of a place in Tuxtla.

Stood up, but the Argentinians had allready left this morning and I missed the breakfast. Anyway, I had my Apple Oh's. After breakfast, I went outside to recon. Right besides the hostel, there was a church and right outside the church there was a marked today that span a few blocks. I Think its sunday today, that's why there were so many people outside. Walked trough a main street and there were european looking restaurants and cafe's. I came to a square with another church and a mob of angry villagers! Nah, there were some people demostrating because there was this guy in jail or something.
Anyway, I walked on and took some pictures, Then, far away up one hill (the whole town is surrounded by hills. Guess that's why it's soo cool here) I saw some stairs that went all the way up. Guess that's a splendid place to get a wiew of the town. Walked to the feet of the hill and started the steep climb up. Almost at the top, I met a bunch of kids that were selling some homemade juwelry. So, I bought a necklase. It looked like a spear and cost me about 40 pesos. Then one of the little kids asked me if I could write my name and nationality on a paper she had. It was some kind of school project she had. and ofcourse if I could leave a donation, hehe, clever kid. I wrote my name and nationality on the paper (actually, there were many that had written on the paper and given a lot more than I did, ugh. I'm a cheap ass) Anyway, when the other kids saw that I gave her some pesos they went into a money-frenzy. They got all crazy and wanted money for their school too.  Man! I had to whip them away! Back you-money crazed kids! Back I say! I had to flee! Well, I got to the top and surprise! Another church! Took some pictures of the city wiew and walked on. I was triyng to go another way down, but it wasn't finnished, I think.

Market outside this beautifull church.

It's kinda nice,eh?

Hell Yeah! We Won't GO!

The first hill. The kids are almost at the top.

The trees are kinda in the way, so the wiew is sommewhat diminished.

Friggin' trees!

This one is from the very top.

And on the top. The church!

Alternate route down. 

But the way was not finnished so I had to back up again.

Look at that little lizzard.

While I was at the top I saw on the opposite hill a building that resembled a mosque, but it was surely another church. I decided to go there. I just had to walk the opposite dirrectiion and I'll be there in no time.
Went back to the main street and calculated (somewhat) wich street to follow. Got to another street with loads of Hippie-backpackers, y'know the ones with rasta and batik coloured clothes. They were selling things they made themselves. Guess they run out of money, the whole bunch, because they were many. And by the sound of it they were mostly argentinians. No wonder they stayed right on this street, there were lots of argentinian restaurants here. Walked on towards the church. Reached the feet of it and climbed up. Whew... Those wore crazy steps.  Got to the top and had a great wiew of the other side of the town.

While I was on my way to the other hill, I found more churches.

Crazy steps!

But it's a good wiew from the opposite side of town.

Bearded-me is having a break.

I think the church on this hill is a shrine to guadalupe. Guess many churches have the same name.

Oh yeah, Elektro Voodoo! The local electrician!

Well, thought it was about time to head back to the hostel and get me sommething to eat. After a while I got back, Took a shower and went out to the super. I only needed bread, nothing more. Sat upstairs while alejandro cutted some more trees. It looked like hard work, but he seemed to enjoy swinging that machete. Guess he had to vent some steam, haha.
I on the other hand was happy to be in a quiet place. The argentinians left, so did the french. Only I Alejandro and some other dude were staying. Alejandro didn't count really because he actually worked there. So I guess I had the whole place for myself, nice.

Next up...
Relaxation, food and Beer...

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