søndag 16. september 2012

Mexico: Bus to Cancun

Today I leave for Cancun. That's the tourist hub of Mexico. Lots of grinos going there to spend their dollares. Well, I took a shower and left my towel in the sun to dry. Then I went to my room to pack my stuff. Had things everywhere so It took a while to sort things and make my backpack as compact as I possibly can. I was going to leave at 16:00 from the bus station and the trip was going to last for about 18 hours. Aw, man.
That.s a loong time to sit on a bus. One hour before departure, i left the hostel and tok a cab. It took a while to get there, because the traffic was brutal, and since the streets are soo narrow its impossible to have more than one vehicle per street. Anyway, I got to the station and waited for the bus. The bus came 20 minutes late, blæh.
Boarded the thing and on we went. I had 2 seats for myself so I did not have anything to complain about the trip.

While waiting in the hostel, I spotted a humming bird.

Tried to close in on him, but he is kinda fast.

We had a lot of pit-stops just to grab sommething to eat, and that was okey. The one thing that bugged me was the random police stops/checks. They stopped the bus and a police officer would go around asking where you were from. If you weren't mexican, then you had to show him the passport and he asked a lot of random questions. That happened 2 times on this trip. One from police and the other from some military personel. Asking random stuff while I was on a bus. crazy. Anyway, that was the only thing that bugged me, and that my ass was in pain from just sitting for soo long.

OMW to Cancun!

Came to Cancun the next day at around noon. While we drove into the bus station in Cancun, I made sure to watch for a street named Margarita, that was supposed to be right around the corner from the station. And Bingo, there it was, hehe. I walked out of the station and went to where I saw the street. After some 500 meters I found the Hostel I was looking for. It was the Hostel Maya. Shabby looking hostel, very homemade look. It suits me just fine. That means that they do not have strict rules and it's a more easy going bunch here.
I got a room that was filled with sleeping people. Guess they were at a party last night.

Anyway, I took my laptop and went out to find me a place to eat and write a little. Found a place with AC and sat there to chill some, because it was really hot in Cancun. After a while I left to find this gaming place that was supposed to be around here. Walked some and I kinda remembered where it was supposed to be. Found the street and found the place, but it was closed. The place had moved to a new location. Blast!
No matter, at the door the new location was on a poster. Hmmm... Behind the church of Idontremember. I have walked past that church. So I went on a quest to find this place. Nothing will stop me! After going to that church I found the new address and found the place, Yataaa! Ahem, went in and talked to the guy that run the place. "Gamer's Den" is the name of the place. He showed me around and he said that I should come back later on to meet the warhammer guys. I agreed to come back later and went back to the hostel.
Haha, the hostel was no more than 500 meters from the place, sweet. Took a shower and slept an hour or two. I didn't slept very well in the bus, and needed to get a shut eye before I proceeded with the Cancun-recon :)
Woke up and met some people that were staying at the hostal. a guy from Canada (hiya man!) and some girls from Great Britain. Was actually sending some mails, but we got to a conversation that, well. The mails had to wait. I also lent my laptop to the canadian dude and just sat there making conversation. I waited for him to finnish and left the hostel. Was going to see how this Mexican warhammer players are and how they paint their stuff. Maybe I'll learn sommething today.
For more on the players, go to my Paintzzzz blog :) paintingpop.blogspot.com
The store closed at 22:00 and I got to knew some of the guys that played here, and gave them my blog address to check out my stuff.  I also had some interesting conversations about what and how Cancun as a city bacame to be. A tourist attraction. Cancun is an artificial city, made solely for the purpose of attracting tourists. But there the problem was. The city survives only because of the tourists, it does not have sommething to back it up, like other towns that have a long history and well, culture. Cancun does not have it.
On my way back to the hostel, I wanted to buy some water and walked towards the nearest Super. On the way a elderly lady asked me for directions cos' she couldn't find her hotel, Ha! I did not either cos' I'm a tourist too. But I asked her if she wanted me to follow her. It was allready dark and the lady seemed a little stressed. She accepted and on we walked. Another quest for me! We asked a bunch of people but the mexicans are really shy and short on their reply. Not a word more than necesary. Hrumph... Well, she remembered some when we came to the bus station so we followed that trail, and after a 15 min. walk, Voila! There was the Hotel she was staying in. She invited me for some te, and showed me the place and was really grateful for me having the time to walk with her. I really needed to get going because the store was going to close soon and I needed sommething to drink. So she gave me some fruits and if I wanted to use the hotels pool I should just come by. Well that was nice, though. I got to the store before it closed, and bought some pepto, some small cakes, water and a lot of juice.

Warhammer players.

Gamer's Den

Back at the hostel I met up with a dude from Eh, I really don't know, I don't even remmember his name . Well, he was a really nice dude and we had a lot to talk about. He was travelling with his girlfriend around Mexico. He had been to Playa del Carmen and though it was really touristic it was a nice place. After a while I he went to bed and I did the same. Some of the guys were allready making themselves pretty for the usual nightclubbing.
I was not going anywhere. I was going straight to dreamland.

Next up...
Iguanodons, beach and paints!

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