tirsdag 4. september 2012

Mexico: Tuxtla Gutierrez. Explosions!


Woke up early today because the heat kept waking me up, blæh. Went down to the kitchen to have me some tortilla breakfast and see my mail. Posted some pics on FB and looked that Tsuchiya-san was in San Cristobal. He said that San Cristobal was beautifull and that it was colder than Oxaca. Colder eh? That's what I need right now, because I was allready sweating. After breakfast, I went outside. I had to go back to the wallmart to pick some stuff, and I had been thinking about the little kid from yesterday.
So I took my angry bird and the rest of my tortillas. I must have eaten at least 30 tortillas and I wasn't even halfways. Walked almost the same route, but this time I walked past the Wallmart. I'll get my supplies at the way back. Went past where the little kid was supposed to be but I didn't see him. Well,well. Walked further today, until I found a huge mall. Nice. I went in and found a place that sold all kinds of magasines. Mostly from mexico, and some few from the states. Bummer I was løooking for the new White Dwarf and It looked like it was impossible to get here. I allready asked about it in Mexico City, and no one sold foreign newspapers or magazines. Soo what chance would I have to get one here. But by some odd chance, I found one. It was a old issue, but I bought it because it was in spanish, haha. I asked the guy that was selling this and he was not sure if he'll get newer ones, but I was happy. This one was the mars issue, so they are a little behind, haha!
Walked on inside the mall, it was nice and chilled inside. Thanks the Machine-Spirit for aircondition. Suddenly I found a cinema. Yataaaa! It's the first cinema I've found here, and I've been looking for one. I wanted to see the Expendables 2. Went to the box office and bought a ticket for today at 18:00 for the "Indestructibles 2" in spanish,haha. They did not have it on English. Anyway, I was very happy.
I left the mall and headed to the Wallmart. On the way, I saw the little kid. He was playing with some gravel, So I went over to where he was and handed him my angry bird. It was nice to see him play with the paper bird. He'll, have more use of it than me. And it's going to be a surprise when he finds out there are chips inside the bird, haha!
I still got my tortillas to give. So I gave them to an old lady that was begging. She seemed gratefull enough with so much tortilla.

My breakfast! Apple Oh's!

It's a Peace Monument.

And it's made by 6582 weapons!

Well, walked on to the Wallmart. There I bought some bread and a bottle of Absolute vodka. Mexico Edition. Sweet! Guess I'll just have to drink the vodka and send the bottle home. Ha!
Still got my almendrado. I must start drinking or I'll have too much to drag around.
Walked back to the hostel, but on the way I had to sit down in a park. It was friggi'n hot here and I needed some shade. Sat for a while to try to cool down, and after a while I reasummed my walk. Got to the hostel and my room was a damn furnace. Shit, It was too much. I had to let the door stay open just to try to vent the room. Then I thought to myself that I cannot endure this place for much longer. I'm getting the heck out of here tomorrow. Gonna go to San Cristobal. But I had to stay here today, got to do the best of it. Only 2 hours left before I got to be at the cinema and the idea of walking all the way was not very appealing. So I grabed my laptop, took a cab and went to the mall. Ah, sweet cool mall. Walked around the mall looking at all the different shops. There was an arcade too and I hanged there until it was time to watch the movie. Got myself a big soda and sat in the middle. Only a couple of people there. sweet.
The movie was action-packed! Just the way I like. Lot's of bullets flying! And all those action icons in one movie, what more to ask for? Good to see Arnold on the big screen again, It warmed my heart, even if he spoke Spanish,haha! The story was thin, but I wasn't there to see a good story. I was there to see EXPLOSIONS!
Eventually, the good guys exhausted their ammo, and there were no more bad guys to shoot either, so the movie ended.
Happy-me, walked out of the cinema and back into the Mall. Thought it was waaay to early to go back to the hostel and that blasted heat, so I sat at a really nice cafe and ordered a chocolate Frappe. Sat there and worked on my blog, cos I was behind :b
Sat there to closing time and took a cab back to the hostel. It had rained while I was at the cafe, so the temperature was somewhat cooler, but not cool enough. I started to sweat the moment I sat in the cab.
Got back and had to ventilate the room again. Awww... The guys across the street were allready working. They worked all night yesterday and I'm pretty sure they are going to keep the noise tonight too. Ugh... Anyway, I watched a movie before I went to bed. Dead Space, the movie.

Overheated-me :b

Oh, yeah. The next book in line from the Horus Heresy. 
Age of darkness. Looking forward to reading it.

Next up...
Escape, Marumba and Let's sing a song!

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