lørdag 1. september 2012

Mexico: Oxaca: Observatorium.

Murals of the dead.

The night was a little cold. Colder than usual, I may have to use my sleeping bag if it gets this cold tonight. Had a sweet breakfast today. They made, Hmm... I don't recall what I had for breakfast. The cook makes differeent stuff all the time. Sat with Tsuchiy-San and chatted a little with Ara, before I left for the hills. I packed my little blue bag that Ara gave me with my painting stuff and the tripod Kjell bought to me at the marked in Oslo. Made me some sanwiches with the bread I bought yesterday and walked out of the hostel.

More murals.

My plan was to spend the day in the observatorium. Wanted to see the city by day and bi nightfall. But before I could go up to the hill I went to the bus station to buy my ticket to Tuxtla Gutierrez. It was going to be a 10 hour trip. So I booked it at night so I could sleep in the bus and spare me acomodation. After booking the my trip to TG, I walked towards the observatorium, trying to find the stairs thet were supposed to take me to the top, but I didn't find them. So I took the scenic route up. I could see the hill, so it was just to go to it. Simple as that. After an ardious walk, cos' it was really hot that day, I found a way up. There were not many people there, just the usual lovers triyng to get away from the world. Note to u guys. The mexicans are really "sticky" in their love affairs. They love to hold hands an show their affection towards they boyfriend/girlfriend. It's kinda too much if u ask me. It's like everyone is in the "puppy love" stage. Interesting. I have not seen such a thing in other places. But then, I have not been everywhere either. Found myself a sweet spot, and camped there. Great wiew of the city and some delicious sun. The only thing that bothered me was the ants running around. But I guess I was more of a nuisance to them that they were to me. They had a "highway" right were I sat, so they had to run arround me to get through. Well after a couple of hours, I needed to get off the sun and get some shade. So I moved to another location under some trees. The friggin' ants were there too and I again disturbed their work. But on my new location there were more irritating things. Mosquitoes. I did not see that right away, it was just a coincidence. The damned mosquitoes had had their way with my feet! I saw one of the little bugger's and SLAP! Down he went. He was hurt but not dead, so as a punishment I put him in front of the ants. They got mad first because he was blocking the way and they moved him away before they just dismantled the bug. They broke the mosquito apart and took the remains back to their hive. I did the same with 6 mosquitoes, and they did the same with all of them. Friggin' mosquitoes. That's what I call retribution, bitches! U bite me and I'll feed u to the ants! In some way it was my way to say sorry for having disturbed the ant's work. So I give this mosquito offering to the ant-gods!  Well, I do have fun with the stuff around me.  I worked some with my Captain, But I wont talk about it here. If u want to hear about it , I'll post it in Paintzz soon.
 I also worked a little on the pistachio-project. Ara bought two earrings made of a pistachio shell when we were in the "Templo Alto" museum. They had little arwork on them and I'm triyng to replicate that. I'll post it on Paintzzz too.

Great wiew of the city.

The observatorium.

My mug in the sun

Sat at one of the ledges to get a wiew of Oxaca.

At around 3-4 o'clock some black clouds appeared behind me. At first I thought it was nothing and they will just disperse, but at a closer look, I saw that the whole sky behind the mountain I was sitting on was black. Ugh. Better to grab the gun and drag my cat. because it was going to rain here in Oxaca. Took my stuff and sprinted downhill. Some small drops of water had allready started to fall, so I picked up the pace. Uh.. Found the so called stairs, and that made my descent a little more easyer. I saved time and strengh. I saved so much time that I walked to the super on my way home. Got back to the hostel. Japan-sama was there doing his stuff on the pc. I took a shower and made me some dinner. Beans a la mexicana. that's beans with bacon, chorizo and other stuff. Tasted ok enough. I felt sorry for the guys in my room, cos' I'm gonna develop some nasty gas with those beans, haha! After dinner, sat down to blog a little and the rain arrived. It really poured heavily. Man, me and Sama had to go into our room because the rain was soo heavy that we could not sit outside, even under those umbrellas. Good thing I wasn't at the observatorium. That would have been messy. After a while I just passed out on my bed with the rain falling outside.

Found the stair, and I'm on my way down!

Looks exhausting when you look up.

Trying to outrun the clouds.

Better make haste!

Ah, back at the hostel.

Next up...
Artwork, Make-up contest and Nighttime bus!

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