søndag 23. september 2012

Mexico: Cancun.Revolting Development

Breakfast call again! And today they had some grey stuff and some yellow goo. I asked what in the Sam Hill this was. The grey was mashed beans and the yellow, I don't remember. It had some tortilla chips on it anyway. It tasted good though. Sat with a lot peeps today, Some had just arrived and others were just leaving.
After breakfast I talked to the receptionist about Cuba, so he called a guy to come over and talk with me about fares and how I can book a trip to the island.  The guy came by and we talked a some. Then he asked if I could come by his travel agency to book the flight later on, so I agreed. After an hour or so, I went to his agency, and we arranged a one way ticket to Cuba. He said that he could not sell me a ticket to Jamaica from Cuba because the Cubans want to sell those flight. So I had to buy one in Cuba. Anyway, I was going to pay for a one way trip, Visa and the tax for entering/leaving the airport. That was going to cost me 3870 pesos. That's a lot, but it was cheaper than fliyng tour-retour. He needed the money cash, by some reason (something about the Cubans wanting it like that) I could pay it with card but then I would have too book it online. Agh... Anyway, I got the cash and he started to make some calls to the Airline with my name and passport number so I could book a flight for tomorrow. While he was at it, the flight attendant asked if I also haw a ticket out of Cuba. Ofcourse I did not. I was supposed to buy it in Cuba. The guy said that the Cubans would not let me in the country if I did not have a ticket out. Agh... What a revolting development! The guy in the travel agency made some more random calls and said that I should get a ticket out of the country and then he could book me with a ticket in. So I went back to the hostel to look for a ticket out of Cuba. I had about 35 minutes before the Booking closed so I had to search fast. I found a lot of different tickets, but none of them went straight to Jamaica from Cuba. All of them went first to the States and then back to Jamaica. WTF! Cuba is like 2 hours from Jamaica, and they want me to take a flight first to the US and back again? The shortest flight was 19 hours. I was supposed to wait somewhere for 12 hours or sommething. And well the prices was not cheap either.
Bah! To hell with this! I'm finding another route. I went back to the agency and talked to the guy. The Cubans are making it kinda difficult for me. He said that the only way was to book a two way ticket. But it was going to cost me a 1000 pesos more. Hmm.... Going to Cuba, Using almost 5000 pesos travel + hostel and food. Just for being there 3-4 days? No.
I told the man No Dice, daddy-o. I can live like a king here in Mexico for 3 weeks with that money. So I thanked him for all his time and he wished me good luck on my travels. He mentioned that I might want to go further down to Belize and take a flight to Jamaica from there. It could also be cheaper than to fly from Cancun.
I left the agency and was a little pissed. I had to find another route of travel. And I had too much money on me. Guess I'll have to change it into dolares. Walked to a great mall that I saw yesterday when I was on my way to the beach. There I would let of some steam by going on a shopping spree, without shopping anything, haha! The place was huge, like any other mall in Mexico. Only that this one had a lot of tourists. After a while I came across a cinema. Sweet. I decided to go see a movie. This time I bought a ticket for Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Hunter. Hope it's action filled. Had about 3 hours to kill before the movie started. Better find a sweet café to relax and write some on my laptop. Hmmm.... Walked a lot in that mall, butI did not find any café that was like the one I was in Tuxtla. That was a nice one. Found a Starbucks, but it was crowded, so no. Burger King, McD. No way. Hmm... This one maybe. It was called Toks or sommething.
It was real big inside, though it did not look that way from the outside. It was a restaurant, uh... Well, I sat down and waited for one of the 15 chit-chatting waitresses to come and get my order. I really don't get why they have soooooooo many waitresses and they work sooooooooo slow. Maybe that's why they got that many, I guess. Anyway, I ordered a Kiwi, Carrot, Strawberry juice and a "Oaxaqueña" That was Tortillas filled with chickenbreasts and mole sauce. It had Onions and a bean paste with chorizo sprinkled with some goat cheese. It was really nice. A little spicy like always, but nice. I just hope that my tummy can handle it.
The dinner was nice but the place did not have Wifi. What kinda of a tourist place is this. No Wifi? that is preposterous! Well, I wrote on anyway, I can work without wifi anyway. Ordered a tea to calm my stomach and sat there until it was time to see some vampyre hunting.
Bought a big soda, and went in. Supernice seats. And the seats are not numbered so you can seat yourself anywhere. Nice :D

The view from inside the mall.

Inside the mall.

Well, the movie was crapola. It really sucked ass. But it was nice to relax a little with a movie. After the movie I walked in the mall and found this really cool store that sold all kinds of swords. They were only props, but they were really nice. Found the Arashikage sword of Snake-Eyes, sweet! And a replica of the huge knife Billy in Predator uses. All mounted on a stand and numbered. I spent some time there watching all the crazy cool swords that were on display.The guy that worked there said that it was not a problem to take a sword with you, because they have some kind of permit and the fact that this swords are reproductions and not the real thing was a good argument. Fancy place, but I don't have the money or the place to go around dragging a sword. (but it woul'd been epic if I went about the world with a sword, haha!) Anyway, I went on watching and looking at all the different stores in the mall. I was really trying to find a café with wifi connection, but I could not find none. Ah, well... I walked home to the hostel to write there instead. On the way to the hostel I walked through a square. The square was packed with people celebrating. A big scene was in the middle of the square and kids were dancing to some mexican tunes. I thought it was some kind of contest, but it was just for show. Diferent dance schools had their own dancers. From kids to adults. I think the show is because Mexico is going to celebrate 200 years of independence and they are preparing for the big party.

The square.

Here is the stage, with dancing girls.

Moore dancing girls.

And I belive that before I got to the square, there were some cheerleading going on. This pair was the only one left for me to take pictures of.

After a while I left the party, I was a little tired and it was getting late. After I got to the hostel I sat down to write a little, but like always I found myself with a lot of people all around the table were I was sitting, and well, I did not write much, haha.  Ah, I was feeling a little sleepy and headed for the dorm. There, the other guys were allready asleep. Hmm... They did not go out tonight. Probably still too tired from yesterday.

Next up...
Playa del Carmen, Beer and Tourists!

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