fredag 31. august 2012

Mexico: Oxaca. Market Time!

The inside of the House of Don Pablo

Had a good night's sleep and they made me a great breakfast. Eggs and toasts, cofee and corn flakes. It was early enough and I wanted to look up on the blog and see if I could speak with someone back home. Hmm... No answer. Well, got word that Ari was back home and all was good. After a while I felt to explore the city. I went out for a walk after the nice breakfast. Walked in a straight line towards were I belived the bus station was.

torsdag 30. august 2012

Mexico: Oxaca!

Slept really well today. And woke a little later than usual, but all is good.
After packing, checking out and leaving my backpack in a locker. I left to find the bus station and to buy a ticket. Walked to Pinos Suarez because they told me that the station was there, but I did not find anything. What I found was a market. Nice one, but nothing interesting. Suddenly I found the luchador masks that I was looking for, but they looked a bit small for my huge head and the people that own those stands on the markeds are soo friggin' sad and malcontent that I rather not buy anything from them.

onsdag 29. august 2012

Can I please see my e-mail?

Awww.... Woke up way to early this morning. think it was around 6am. Could not sleep at al with all that banging of hammers. There are some people in the roof working like whipped dogs. Take a break, hombres. Chill!

mandag 27. august 2012

Mexico: Mexico City. Braaaaains!

"Cesadilla" Brains in tortilla!

Good morning!
Today I wanted to chill out. And I needed to check out the blog, cos' I feel it's kinda time comsuming. Anyway, I had breakfast and made some calls. Speaked with my bro, mom, Glenn and Kjell and sent some mails to differnt peeps. The rest of the morning I just sat at the lobby trying to load pictures into the blog while playing Marvel: Avengers Alliance. I will get my hands on that White Queen!

Mexico: Mexico City. Templo Mayor!

Templo Mayor

Today I felt a lot better. And was ready to grasp the day!
Araceli was gonna pick me ut to see the museum "Temple Mayor"and the Palacio Nacional.

lørdag 25. august 2012

Mexico: Graooooow!

Today I woke by the sounds of the"jaguar". I don't remember when, but I'm pretty sure it was really early in the morning. Took a shower as usual and went down to have some breakfast. There I found Anton playing the guitar, ha! the guys came back early this morning from Garibaldi just in time for breakfast and a beer. Sat with them and they told me all the crazy-cool things they did. After a while they had to leave to get some sleep. No wonder, they've been up all night partying. I on the other hand had to go up to my room to be ready for the meeting. But suddenly out of nowhere, I got the baddest tummy ache ever! It was soo bad I had to throw up! Then I passed out and slept for an hour or so.

fredag 24. august 2012

Mexico: Pyramids and lucha libre.

The day started like any other. With a shower and breakfast. At 9 o'clock I went downstairs to the lobby to meet with the guy that is arranging the pyramid trip. After a while the bus arrived, well it was just a van, but they called it the bus. The van got too crowded for all of us tourists soo they called for another one. The van arrived and we met our guide. His name was Leo and was a indian looking guy. Aboard the bus I sat beside a guy that was really from India, but lived in Boston with his family. If I don't remember correct I think his name was Chawla. Nice, easy going guy (he is probably looking into this so I have to say sommething nice) btw, Hi Chaw!

mandag 20. august 2012

Mexico: Mexico City. The bank job....

Breakfast for champs. Well, not exactly, but toasts and a really good coffee is close enough for me. Still waking up at 6 am local time, that's 1pm in Oslo. Very quiet on the streets. Anyway, after getting to know a guy from the states while I was having breakfast, I went to find a bank to get some dinero. Yesterday I tried a cashier and it declined my card. Asked a cop dressed in a crazy armour about where the nearest bank was and he was kind enough to leave his shield (yes, he was armored and had a shield) and point me to the right direction.

Mexico: Mexico City. New Hostel

Took me about an hour to reach the Hostel by foot,but it was worth it. Got to see a lot on the way. Lots of peeps around rollerblading, guess the mexicans love to rollerblade. Didn't knew that fun fact :D The hostel I'm gonna be staying is this one:

lørdag 18. august 2012


Arrived yesterday around 9 o'clock PM after a 11 hour flight from London. Took a taxi to the city center. Straight to the Hotel Madrid. It's a reasonable cheap hotel in Mexico, but a little to expensive for my budget.  But I was soooo freakin' tired when I arrived that I didn't care that it cost me a little more than expected. I'm gonna stay here tonight too just to get rid of the jetlag. It's a 6 hour difference here so I'm a little woozy. Woke up early this morning to have some breakfast. Guess what it was on the buffet. Enchiladas and burritos, haha, very mexican. Lots of nacho chips and some jalapeño dip for breakfast was not what I expected or felt like eating 7 in the morning.
I took a little stroll around the city and found a International Hosteling hostel :b As most of us know it's pretty cheap so I just booked a couple of days there. Cost me around 150NOK for the night, breakfast and internet included ;) After a couple of hours in the city and a spicy jalapeño chicken lunch I went back to the hotel. Now I'm in the lobby of the hotel watching the mummy in spanish and writing this. Not going to go anywhere right now cos' it's raining outside. Gonna rain tomorrow to, blæh...

fredag 3. august 2012

Back to Norway

I'm back in Norway now so I'll be posting some more before I leave for Mexico.
I'll be leaving this wonderful norwegian summer soon for a more stable climate. The Norwegian climate is a rollercoaster of bad weather. You never know when it's gonna rain or when the temperature is gonna drop. Look at the weather forecast u say? To hell with that, the meteorologists are even more lost than a monkey in a house of mirrors :b 
From one thing to another, the last vid I posted here had a bad resolution. Not acceptable! The cam I got from my friends was supposed to record in full HD, and the vid just didn't cut it. Sooooo I had a bright idea and deleted the vid from here and uploaded it on youtube. Now all you guys see is a link to the same vid only with better resolution. Hoooray for youtube!