fredag 3. august 2012

Back to Norway

I'm back in Norway now so I'll be posting some more before I leave for Mexico.
I'll be leaving this wonderful norwegian summer soon for a more stable climate. The Norwegian climate is a rollercoaster of bad weather. You never know when it's gonna rain or when the temperature is gonna drop. Look at the weather forecast u say? To hell with that, the meteorologists are even more lost than a monkey in a house of mirrors :b 
From one thing to another, the last vid I posted here had a bad resolution. Not acceptable! The cam I got from my friends was supposed to record in full HD, and the vid just didn't cut it. Sooooo I had a bright idea and deleted the vid from here and uploaded it on youtube. Now all you guys see is a link to the same vid only with better resolution. Hoooray for youtube!

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