mandag 20. august 2012

Mexico: Mexico City. New Hostel

Took me about an hour to reach the Hostel by foot,but it was worth it. Got to see a lot on the way. Lots of peeps around rollerblading, guess the mexicans love to rollerblade. Didn't knew that fun fact :D The hostel I'm gonna be staying is this one:

After I settled down and booked another two nights, I left the hostel to search for something to eat. I'm gonna tell ya that the jalapeño chicken from yesterday did make some uproar in my tummy so I'm gonna go easy today. Was at a huge market, where they served all kinds of crazy food, but since I was yet is not totally stabilized, I couldn't go all gung-ho on the local food. So I went by the marked with an empty stomach. On the way I found a really beautiful church. I thought it was some kind of museum but they where in the middle of the procession. So I stayed to hear what the padre had to say. The Mexicans are very religious. Not the kind of like in Brasil, with all those different universal beliefs. The Mexicans are trough and trough Catholics. Anyway, after a while I left the church and went on in my search for food. Suddenly I found myself besides a bakery and was sold. They had Pai! Soooooo I bought a cheese pai and as dessert a apple pai. Excellent! Pai action is allways a hit! and they only cost me around 5,50 NOK for each! YAAAATAAAA!!!!!!  After eating half of the cheese pai I was totally full. Pretty heavy stuff.

That's one huge cathedral.

Artwork in, eh... don't remember the name of the place :b

The church I went to.

Apple Pie!

Crazy cool murals! Love it!

Next Up...
Need to get to a bank and need a plan for the next days...

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