fredag 31. august 2012

Mexico: Oxaca. Market Time!

The inside of the House of Don Pablo

Had a good night's sleep and they made me a great breakfast. Eggs and toasts, cofee and corn flakes. It was early enough and I wanted to look up on the blog and see if I could speak with someone back home. Hmm... No answer. Well, got word that Ari was back home and all was good. After a while I felt to explore the city. I went out for a walk after the nice breakfast. Walked in a straight line towards were I belived the bus station was.

Quite nice. Me like!

Well, I have seen better days, haha!


Reached the end of the street after about 45 minutes and went to see the Xochimilco arcs.Liked very much how the streets are put together. Very organised and no exess space like in other cities. I liked it a lot. Almost impossible to get lost here :)

Xochimilco Arcs.

Streets of Oxaca.

It was about 2 o'clock now and I was feeling a bit hungry, so I found this small restaurant that sold paintings and ordered the menu of the day. The starter was "consome" and it was I think chiken soup with a lot of squash and mais. The main was owen cooked fish with herbs. Rice and some vegies. And as dessert it was sweet milk pudding. And the dinner cost me only 60 pesos, aprox 27.Nok. Well, waited a while before I got going. The marked of "Abastos" was on the other side of the city and it was a long way to go.

The restaurant "la casa de el tio Guero"

They sell paintings at the house of Tio Guero

I really liked this frogs!

But my dinner was better!

The marked of "abastos" is supposed to be one of Mexicos biggest markeds, so I was very exited. Walked some to find the marked and when I did, what a marked!
Though today was a slow day and I was a bit early, (it's monday) it was packed! Wonder how's it on saturdays! The place was huge, it's a not a marked it's a town. I think I was there for about 3 hours, looking at all the different thing that were sold there. From pottery, furnitures, meat, flowers, bread, food, vegetables, candy, clothes. It was almost overwhelming, How do they sell all of this?  So much bright colours they use on the things here and not to talk about the different smells. Sweet, sour, salti smells, at at some point makes you almost nauseous. I could have walked there more, but my left knee was acting up. So I had to wrap things up. Bought some bread there (cost me 12 pesos for 10 buns, that's about 5.Nok) and bought a small wallet for all the small change, You get a lot of change here and I needed a little holder. Even the smallest change can get you sommething here. On my way to the hostel I remmembered that I saw a Supermarked on the other side of the city, so I mustered some strenght and went to the super. I needed supplies and it was the first supermarked that I've seen while in Mexico. Got to the super and started to buy stuff. Bought some things for my bread that I've just bought at the marked and different juices.
Phweew, headed back to the hostel now. When I got there I took a shower and made me something to eat. Then I sat down and started to blog.

More streets of Oxaca

On the backside of the marked. People were getting ready for the days market

Potteri and some other art, here.

Eh, I don't know what this is.

Hmm, Strange, I thought I had taken more pictures from inside the market. Guess I was a little too busy watching stuff :b
If I find more pics, I'll be sure to post them :)

Next up...
Tsuchiya-san, Paint and Rain!

2 kommentarer:

  1. Yo Pablo! Fet rapport, fortsett slik! Gleder meg allerede til du kommer hjem, for de nye leieboerne er et støymareritt. Kos deg på tur! Hilsen naboen

    1. Halla!
      Hyggelig å høre fra deg! Håper alt er vel der hjemme :)Synd at naboen støyer sånn. Du må bare banke på og klage om det blir for ille, om ikke så bare si ifra til meg så sender jeg mail til megleren. Han skal ta seg av sånt. La oss bare håpe det ikke blir for ille. Vil jo ikke miste leieboerne, haha!
