mandag 27. august 2012

Mexico: Mexico City. Braaaaains!

"Cesadilla" Brains in tortilla!

Good morning!
Today I wanted to chill out. And I needed to check out the blog, cos' I feel it's kinda time comsuming. Anyway, I had breakfast and made some calls. Speaked with my bro, mom, Glenn and Kjell and sent some mails to differnt peeps. The rest of the morning I just sat at the lobby trying to load pictures into the blog while playing Marvel: Avengers Alliance. I will get my hands on that White Queen!

Ahem... Well after a while I felt a little hungry and went outside to find a place to eat. So I went to "La India". It's the same place I was a couple of days before. I had some beers while hearing songs from the same old mariachi that was there the other day. He recognised me and  played "malageña salerosa" to me, haha! Too bad I couldn't record it. Like I said I was feeling hungry and asked what they had in the menu. They had different things but I went for the "Cesadilla" (not to be confused with quesadilla) and "Chicarroneada". The cesadilla was brains on a tortilla and the chicharroneada was well, pork in tortilla.
The brain tasted little and had a consistensy of pateé. The other one tasted more and was like eating chopped chorizo.

La India!

The "Chicharroneada"

After finishing my drinks I left for a place with better Wi-Fi connection than what the hostel could provide. I walked some and then sommething catched my eye. It was a place that sold videogames, so I went by and looked into it. The place was no bigger than my bathroom. Nothing out of this world. The only thing that looked cool was some Gundam games for the PS3, but it's not a good move to buy them here when I can buy them in Japan when I get there. (I hope I'll get there). Then, another thing catched my eye. Emo kids with that japanese style. And where there are emo kids there is sommething with anime. So I followed a coupel of emos that were way to occupied with eachother to notice that I was trailing them up one floor and Bam! Anime Heaven! There were like 10 aisle of different small shops that sold all kind of japanese stuff. From dvd's, videogames, comics, boardgames, clothes, food, toys and music. Not only was it in the second floor, but also the third and fourth! The fifth was only for arcade games, were you could play. They had games from Street Fighter to Dance revolutin and of course booths with the classic consoles as the NES, Super NES, N64 Atari, Commodore, Wondeswan PS1,2,3 and many more. I think I spent quite some time there and not only that, I found a place that sold loose HeroClixs and I found the TigerShark that I was looking for. I tryed to get it in the London Comic-con, but they did not had it. Anyway. I told the lady I'd come by some other day to see if they had any other I'm missing.

Found out afterwards that the place was named "Bazar de el entretenimiento y el videojuego"
Long name though.

Here you could sit down and play cards or other stuff.

One of the Aisles

My Tigershark! 

Hmm... Spent too much time there but I'm happy. Lot's a cool stuff to see. Walked by a KFC and they had wi-fi to boot, so I went in to grab sommething to eat and check out my mails. The meal I ordered was cheap, but it was too much! It was a box that contained: Mashed potato, Potato chips, A chicken club and a big chicken burger with potato inside. Guess somebody likes potato :)
The meal was ok, but too much potato in it, and the wi-fi didn't work at all, bummer. Anyway, I had to get going to the hostel to take a shower and to change. Had also to find out were I was supposed to meet with Ara cos' she sent me a message to meet her at the corner of Guadalajara and Veracruz. No problemo. I'll find it and I'll do it with no effort. (That's what I thought anyway) Took the underground from Zocalo to  Pinos Suarez and then changed tube. Took it to Sevilla (the station, doh') and walked until I found Guadalajara. Nobody told me that the street was soo friggin' long! Anyway. I arrived just in time. Gotta be punctual, my mom always say :) But Ara was not there. Hmm... Good thing I got bubble breaker on my phone! It took some time before she arrived. But no biggie, she was totally lost and had been running in circles. Good thing she found the place, haha! We went to Avn. Amsterdam and found a really small lounge were we could order sommething to drink. We had a beer and after a while we left the place to find the Chocolaterie. The Avn Amsterdam is a street that is like a ring. If you start walking and follow the street you'll end up in the same spot after a while, Well, a long while cos the ring is huge. Anyway Ara said that a friend had told her of that place and it was supposed to be in Amsterdam. Man, we walked and could not find it. we asked a lot of people and we were sent up and down. But finaly we found it. Figures, it was closed for the evening, blæh. Well, nothing to do about it, So we went to the nearest place we could find. That was a little restaurant. We sat there and since it was a little cold we ordered a Latte and we shared a chocolate cake, nam! That was a good cake.
Took a while before we left and I followed her to the house/hotel she was staying in. It was only a couple of bloks away from the restaurant we were in. Really nice crib the museum got her, Think it was the Museum that fixed that place. Anyway, I had a good time with new places to see, great company and sweet cake, but I had to go back to the hostel. It was about 2 in the morning and I was tired. We said our goodbyes and I started walking. It was pitch black at some points and I could not even see wich street I was on, dammit. It was gonna be a challenge to find my way back by foot in the middle of the night. Then I found a old man sitting besides a taxi and I asked If he could drive me to Zocalo. Sure, he said and I jumped into the car and Swoosh! It took about 20 min to get to the hostel with almost no traffic and the old man not givin' a damn about red lights. Wonder how long it would have taken if I've walked instead of taking the cab.
Well, got back to the hostel safe and sound. It was nice to be back after a good day of adventuring :D
Ah, forgot to tell ya the reason why I could come later than 23:00. I asked the guy at the reception if it was ok to come late that evening and he said that I should just knock hard on the door and the nightwatch should open the door for me. Sweet.

Next up....
Internet, Brawl and Goodbye....

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