fredag 24. august 2012

Mexico: Pyramids and lucha libre.

The day started like any other. With a shower and breakfast. At 9 o'clock I went downstairs to the lobby to meet with the guy that is arranging the pyramid trip. After a while the bus arrived, well it was just a van, but they called it the bus. The van got too crowded for all of us tourists soo they called for another one. The van arrived and we met our guide. His name was Leo and was a indian looking guy. Aboard the bus I sat beside a guy that was really from India, but lived in Boston with his family. If I don't remember correct I think his name was Chawla. Nice, easy going guy (he is probably looking into this so I have to say sommething nice) btw, Hi Chaw!

Oki, the first stop was the ruins of Tlatelolco. The ruins were, well.... Ruined, but there is a lot of history on that ruination :P If u want to know about it, go google it!

The second stop was a 45 minute drive to a tequila making place. They did also make jewelry of Obsidian. But the tequila part was the interesting one. A Old lady showed us how the tequila is made. When she finnished with the presentation it was time to taste the stuff. We tasted 3 different drinks. The first one was a sweet drink, the second was called "almendrado" and it was even more tasty than the last. Kinda like marzipan (Almendrado -> Almond ->Marzipan->Do'h!) And the third drink was the tequila. Nice!
When we where done drinking the next stop was the dreaded gift shop. Lots of cool stuff to look at, but nothing that I would buy. unless it's ALCOHOL! So I bought a bottle of Almendrado because it really is a crazy nice drink. The big bottle cost me 320 pesos, that's around 150.- NOK. Good enough for me. Not only that, I got myself a little xtra round of shots with the guy sellin' the stuff. Salud!

 Things made of obsidian

What's that? A lonely tray with tequila samples?

More obsidian at the gift shop.

The nex stop was the city of Teotihuacan. Its a city buildt by a lost civilazation older than the Aztecs. The city is one big arkeological site, with huge pyramids. The biggest one, the pyramid of the sun. The names were given by the Aztecs when they found the city. Nobody knows the real name of the city or the original name of the pyramids. The city was abandoned centuries before the Aztecs found it and they were so baffled by the sheer magnitude of the constructions and the enormity of the city itself that they did not belive that humans built it. That's why they called it Teotihuacan, "the city that birthed gods". Anyway, enough history for now. and take a look at the pictures.

The Tempel of the Moon

The Tempel of the Sun

At the top of the Tempel of the Sun

Tempel of the Sun

Those stairs are killers. 

The tempels are buildt with volcanic stone.

It's a loong way down.

Found this ants working for the "man" or the queen to be more correct.

Looking at the city of gods.

Happy-me with the tempel of the moon at the background.

Well after being at the site for almost 3 hours it was dinner time. We went to a local restaurant nearby and had a buffe. There were vegetables, rice, "chicharrones", beans, a stew with chorizo and different prepared chickens. Cost only 100pesos thats about 40 Nok. Good deal.
Dinner time was over and it was time to visit the Shrine of Guadalupe. Guadalupe is actually Virgin Mary, but the people has different names for her.

The original shrine

The new one

Outside the shrine.

Inside the old shrine of Guadalupe.

The shrine was our last stop of this guided tour. I got to learn a lot about aztec and mexican history and of course tequila making.

I had about an hour and a half to relax and refresh myself at the hostel before we had to go to the Lucha Libre arena. Had to meet at the lobby and the guide was allready pouring tequila to the atendees. Me and 3 guys from the Vasque country were getting in the zone with all those shots. Guess we had about 5 shots before the rest of the people arrived so we had quite a head start. Before we left to the arena, we had to pick a luchador mask. I picked "The Blue Devil". He is supposed to be a legend in Mexico. When we arrived at the arena, the show had allready started. 5 matches were in the scheduled that day. Including a midget fight and a girl fight. We could drink beer at the arena and it was rasonable cheap and the best part was that you didn't had to get it yourself. There were guys running all over the place fetching stuff for the people watching. The big beer was 75cl and costed 50 pesos, thats like 23.-Nok! Me and the Jaguar guys (I call them the jaguar guys because they had one of those jaguar sound-making things that you could buy for 15 pesos. It's like a flute, that makes a jaguar sound actually) We were rooting for all the masked guys that had "Puma" or "Tigre" or "Lion" on their names. and using the jaguar flute to boost them into a killing frenzy! The event lasted for nearly 3 hours. and I must say I had a blast! After the match we went to the hostel bar to carry on. The jaguar guys wanted to go to Garibaldi, it's a place known for their mariachis, women and drinks, but I was really exausted and I wanted to sleep. I was also supposed wake up early to meet a spanish girl I met at the pyramid trip. She was going to pick me up to see the "Teatro de bellas artes" and the house of Frida Kahlo.

Me and the "jaguares"


At the hostel. Keeping the good times rolling!

Ah, It has been a good day and I've done a lot of strange things. Hope tomorrow is going to be as cool as this one. Note to the reader! I do have some more pics and vids, but the "High speed Internet connection" is not so high speedy, so it takes awhile to upload them. I'll show u guys the pics when I get home.

Next up....
Bad coffee and teatro de bellas artes.

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