onsdag 29. august 2012

Can I please see my e-mail?

Awww.... Woke up way to early this morning. think it was around 6am. Could not sleep at al with all that banging of hammers. There are some people in the roof working like whipped dogs. Take a break, hombres. Chill!

Nothing to do about it. So I stood up and went down to the lobby and the restaurant to get my breakfast. But it was too early so I had to wait an hour. Loaded some pictures to my other blog (Paintzz) and 2 vids. Check it out if you like. Just sommething when I was in Amsterdams GW shop. 

I had my breakfast and spendt the morning in the lobby trying to upload this stuff. It took ages!
at mid day I wanted to walk around a little. Took mi computer with me and walked towards the Game bazar to talk to the girl that worked at the HeroClix shop.I just hanged there a while and looked through the clix's that she had. Found 2 that I wanted and left to search for a better net connection.

Some people were cleaning the street with too much soap!

Foam! Woohoo!

Walked a lot and went into several different places were they had poor or none connection. Then I found a cafe' named Noisette. And went in. They had exellent connection and great service. I bought a baguette and got one for free so I told them to pack it to go. Was at Noisette a couple of hours. It was nice to actually check the inbox on my hotmail. I couldn't do that at the hostel. Loaded more pictures into the blog and even had time to play some Marvel:AA. Like I said I was there a couple of hours and needed to get back to the Hostel to take a shower and change because I was going to meet Ara later on. After I had showered and changed, I met some of my roommates to hear what they have been up to. After a while I went to the kitchen to finnish off my other baguette and to check out any messeges. Ara was supposed to send me one right before she finnishes doing what she is doing and give me the "coordinates" to our next meeting place. In the kitchen I met up with Steven. He is a guy that works at the hostel and he had to go eat at the kitchen because the restaurant/lobby was packed with guests. I didn't mind, always nice to have some company while eating :) Almost 18:30 and Steven had to run. He was going to work as a bartender tonight at the bar upstairs and had little time. He left and I got a message from Ari. Meeting at the chocolaterie at 20:00. Sweet, had some time left and I should find the place easy now. I went to the subway at zocalo and. Surprise! It was a 20 meter queue just to buy a ticket! Man, I stood there for about 15. What a drag. Anyway, I had some time left so I rushed to the tube. I had to change tube at Pino Suarez to Chimpanzingo (nice name, chimpanzingo, hehe.) At chimpanzingo I just had to follow chimpanzingo street until I reached Avn. Amsterdam. Got to Amster and recognized the place we had eaten cake yesterday. The chocolaterie was just two blocks away.

The queue at Zocalo.


Nice houses.

Waited a moment and she arrived with a friend. We went to her place at the hotel/house because she had to change. The friend showed Ari lots of cool places we could hang just around the corner. She marked all the places on a map and handed it over to Ara. The girl couldn't come with us cos' she had other things to attend to and she was allready to late. She left and I waited for Ara to change.
We left the hotel and headed to were this girl had said the cool places were. I didn't say a thing but when I heard her say "Irish pub" and "PM" I knew we were going to a place were the majority of the mexicans don't go. And the ones that do are of a "higher"class. Anyway, We walked and there were dozens of different pubs and bars and lastly we found one that was on the girls list. Ou. Jupp, The place was called Ou. We went in and were seated besides a little round table. The place looked like a disco. They played house music and served food. Strange stuff. We ordered a Piña colada and tryed to have some kind of conversation trough the music that was way too high. Did not understand the consept of this place. If u are going to eat, you can almost not speak because of the high music and if you wanted to dance the small tables were scattered everywhere. Hmm...
Suddenly the waiter put some french fries on the table and well, that was nice I thought. But when we were gonna go and we wanted the bill, man what a surprise. Expensive! They charged us for the fries that we did not ordered because it was part of the "thing" and they put 20% of tips. Amazing. Well, it was not that expensive for me, but if I compare it with other bars/pubs/restaurants I've been it surely was. Good thing we left the place. We walked on and found a place they had water pipes, sweet!
We sat down at a table and I think a 16 year old took our order. We ordered a pipe, Piña colada and some tortillas with cheese. Sat there a couple of hours until the pipe died. And the tortilla chips with cheese did not live up to their name. Tasted like tortilla chips with some yellow tasteless goo.
Oki, so the tortilla was not the best, but we had a great time anyway. We walked on and tried tofind a place we could dance a little. We tried several places but all were packed with people. We went into a sports bar, but no dice. Too packed and too noisy. Nobody dances around here because it's too crowded!
Ah, well... At the end of that "supercoolstreetofsemieuropeanplaceswithamexicantwistontop" we found a restaurant/pub/bar/club that did not look so crowded. So we went in for a beer. Champagnerie was the name of the place I belive. Strange consept this mexicans have. A DJ that looked like the son of Bob Marley was playing house music while there were people sitting around tables with black squared tablecloths. I was in awe, nothing really matched here. Anyway, I got my beer and tried to dance, but the tables were a little to close to the bar and the waitreses, were running up and down. (Yea, we chilled at the bar, cos' there were no more tables left for us) While we tried to speak through the exessively loud music, a brawl started. FightFightFight! One dude pushed another, and sommebody tried to swing at him, but suddenly Bob Marley  Jr. jumped in the middle of it to try to stop the fight. He tried his best but the women were wild! Mjau! Some girl tried to hit another and the fight was escalating. I wondered. Where the heck were those bouncers? Tables were pushed back and some waitresses came to help Bob. I was wondering if I had to grab Ara and get the heck out of there. But at last the bouncers came and thoey just got in the middle of the fight. They did not grab anybody or trew them out. They just stood there and tried to calm things. Strange. The argument lasted for about 20minutes and they still were arguing and some girl was crying. What a mess of a place. But fun to see though.
Well, we finnished our drinks and I followed Ara to her house/hotel. She was going to Spain tomorrow and had to wake up early. To think about it, so did I.. Anyway, we said our goodbyes and wished best of luck to eachother. (If u are reading this Ara, I'm gonna miss u) I walked to the same street as last night. Much more life around the streets tonight. Maybe because its Saturday. Catched a cab and the price was a little higher than yesterday. Because of the fee the taxi drivers must pay the weekends to be there. Cos the tourists are afraid to be kidnapped so the taxis need a permit to be there. Bah!
Got back to the hostel and went straight to bed.

Note to the reader: As u can see I'm a couple of days behind. This happened on saturday and today is tuesday. Soo I'm a little behind. Okey. Don't judge me :)

Next up....
Bus station, Movies and Oxaca!

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