lørdag 25. august 2012

Mexico: Graooooow!

Today I woke by the sounds of the"jaguar". I don't remember when, but I'm pretty sure it was really early in the morning. Took a shower as usual and went down to have some breakfast. There I found Anton playing the guitar, ha! the guys came back early this morning from Garibaldi just in time for breakfast and a beer. Sat with them and they told me all the crazy-cool things they did. After a while they had to leave to get some sleep. No wonder, they've been up all night partying. I on the other hand had to go up to my room to be ready for the meeting. But suddenly out of nowhere, I got the baddest tummy ache ever! It was soo bad I had to throw up! Then I passed out and slept for an hour or so.
When I woke up I remmembered that I had to meet with Araceli (That's the spanish girl I met at the pyramid trip) and I had to change room to another one, blæh! Afther I changed to the new room, I went downstairs to meet with Araceli. I had to skip our little trip  to the house of Frida cos' I wasn't feeling to well.
Walked with her a while just to get rid of the cobwebs in my head and the bad taste in my mouth (think the coffee was the guilty perpetrator for me feeling bad) and followed her to the subway. When she embarked on her journey to the house of Frida I went back to the hostel to relax a little. After an hour or so I felt a little better and went out for a walk that brought me to the "Palacio de Bellas Artes". I went in and saw the exposition named "Expresionismo Aleman", German expressionism. Post-war painters from Germany. There was also a Edward Munch exibition there. Funny that Munch is following me around. Other than that there were not much else to see except the big murals that decor the building.

Palacio de Bellas Artes.

The walk brought me to the chinese neighbourhood, but I could not see a single chinese around. There were lots of restaurants and shops you could buy all kind of chinese stuff, but no chinese people, strange...
Anyway, y walked on trying to find a place were you could buy a luchador mask, because the mask that I got yesterday was waaaaay to small for my big head. Must have walked for an hour through the same street and the street had the same kind of stores. They sold only school material and every store was packed with people buying school-stuff for they children. The classes were starting this week, and it was pandemonium here. When I reached the end of the street, I found myself on a huge marketplace. I went in, an the first sight was that of candy. They sold candy by sacks. If you were gonna buy you gotta' buy in kilos. They had potatochips, cheese doodles and other stuff for sale besides the candy. When I started to walk further in, I found clothing, animals, piñatas (Lots of them), fruit, vegetables, electronics, meat, and a lot of different small places to eat strange exotic things. Well, I was not in the mood to eat today so I just walked by. Wow, that market place was big. I must have walked forever. When I got out I headed back to the hostel to sleep of my malady :b

Streets of Mexico City

The plastic bag store. Yes, they only sell plastic bags.

As you can see above, they have bag stores. I also saw a ballon store, that sells, well... ballons :D
The rest of the day I just relaxed at the hostel, trying to keep up with this blog of mine.
I do belive I write too much unnecessary stuff here, but, well, well... That's what a blog is for, I guess...

Next up...
Araceli, Museums and Coyoacan...

1 kommentar:

  1. You you don,t write any unnecessary stuff:) Keep on rolling my man:) All kinds of details and rubbish supplements the detail of what your seeing and experiencing...

    It makes a good read:)
