tirsdag 27. november 2012

Chile: Grandma's House

Grandma's crib.

I'm gonna stay at Grandma's House for the remainder of my visit here in Chile. My Cousin Gerhard is living there right now. He kinda is watching over the place since the house is going to be sold in a couple of months. Guess I should say that my grandma is no longer with us. She passed away last year, That's why he is taking care of the place so it doesn't deteriorate anymore. Here in Chile if you do not take care of the thing they just fall apart, and Grandma's house was all empty for about 6 months before Gerhard began to take care of it.

Grandma's garden

Back of the house

Grandma had 2 lemontrees

Little dog Lupita

Gerhard lives by himself, only in the company of liitle dog, Lupita. She take care of the place while Gerhard is out working. The place looks smaller than when I was a kid. The long hallway seems not so long anymore. Used to play around here. Things are kinda the same, but different at the same time. Strange...

Anyway, I'm going to be sleeping in my great grandmothers old room. My old kiddie room was used as  a storage for the remainder of my grandmothers stuff and some things belonging to Gerhard.

Today I went over to take a look at the store that Gerhard owns. He has a computer part replacement store here in Villa Alemana, Here is the link to the store's web page. http://notebookmundo.cl/
It's a small store, but with lot of potential. He works with his friend and business partner Ariel.

Here at the store the workday goes from 10:00- 14:00 and then from 15:00 - 18:00
That gives us a hour to have dinner. Yeah, we eat at 2 o'clock. A bit early for my taste but that's the siesta time here. Almost every shop here closes down between 13:00 and 15:00. They don't have lunch here, hehe. Gerhard and usualy eats dinner at a place called "La Biblioteca" that is just a block from his store. The place is a small bar/restaurant with good food and cheap drinks.
We ate todays plate and had a beer for about Nok 65,- And that's for the 3 of us! No wonder he eats out everyday :)

Anyway, after that the workday was over he asked me if I wanted to taste a special beer that a german guy makes. Hell yeah, let me taste that! So, Gerhard, Ariel and myself went for a little drive to somewhere. We had to drive through dusty roads and a hillside to get to the tavern. We were welcomed by a gentelman that spoke spanish only as a german can :) Guess this is the guy that makes the beer. He had only one sort of beer, since this past week had been a week of party (because of the national day, y'know) and a lot of people had been at his place to taste his beer. Well, the beer he had was smoked beer. Never heard of that kind of beer, but my goodness what a beer! The taste was like smoked, well... Beer. Man, we really have to get back here ASAP!

Beer this way!

Smoked Beer, Sweet nectar of the gods!

Next up....
More Villa Alemana adventure

mandag 5. november 2012

Panama/Chile: Hello homeland

Today I'm leaving Panama so I had to wake a little earlier than usual. Had my breakfast with M and the house keeper. While we were there a lot of people were gathering at the other side of the food hall. I asked the keeper what the gathering was all about, cos' they started to sing jesus-songs. He said that they were churchgoers.

søndag 4. november 2012

Panama: 2nd day in sweet Panama!

Today woke up with new energy after a good night's sleep. Slept like a baby :)
Well, I found M hanging about, guess she is a early bird. She was waiting for me to have some breakfast, so we went to the kitchen to make us sommething. The place was almost desserted since the people that is comming for the convention is supposed to come tomorrow. So it was just me, M and the house keeper. The keeper was an elderly man, but he was really nice and told us many stories about Panama and gave us usefull information on the what's and how's in Panama. (Talking about what we should say when looking for a cab to get it cheap)

lørdag 3. november 2012

Panama: Panama Recon

Allright! Woke up at around 10 in the morning and met up with Monica. She had allready spoken to the cleaning lady and the receptionist too, so I could stay for a couple of days at the Union House. Nice of her for doing that for me. Well, next thing in my agenda was to get some cash. Ah, almost forgot that in the middel of the night a lady called me from DNB That is the norwegian bank. She asked me were I was and if I've tried to take any cash recently. I said yeah, that I was in Belize and tried to take some money and now I was in Panama and the cashier did not want to cash out. She said that the security team of the bank closed down my account because sommebody tried several times to cash out money in Belize, so they thought that somebody was trying to rob me. Guess they were partially right cos' I was triyng to rob myself, haha.

onsdag 10. oktober 2012

Belize/Panama: Cool world

Okidoki, I woke up and wondered if I would stay another night. There is nothing to do here anyway. I could go to a beach, but that was not a good idea. My back was in pain. I was burned and I should keep away from the sun until I got a little better. My skin was allready sheding because of the burns and I did not find any sunscreen yesterday at the store. Anyway, I went downstairs to the reception to talk to receptionist. It all depended on him if I was going to stay or not. Hmm.. No one here. Went to the kitchen and a lady was there. She was kinda the receptionist. Ah, she gave me so vague answers to the questions that I had, that I decided to leave.

fredag 5. oktober 2012

Mexico/Belize: Going to Belize City!

Woke up around 9 O'clock and started to pack my backpack. Discarded some stuff that I did not need and finnished packing. When I was all set, I sat down to wait for the check out time. It was at noon, so I had lot'sa time to dwell in my room and watch tv. Dragon Ball was on. Great! It's the one episode where Vegeta and Napa first encounters Goku and they measure his power level.


Haha, it's an epic episode. Anyway, after 2 episodes of DB and 2 episodes of Adventure Time I had to get going. Went downstairs and handed the key tho the old guy that rented me the room. Walked to the bus station and bought a ticket to Cancun.

torsdag 4. oktober 2012

Mexico: Playa del Carmen

Slept like a baby :)
Yeah, I sleep well when it's cold. and it surely was chill in my room. The AC was working just fine. Took a shower and left my room in search for a place with Wifi and to deliver my dirty laundry. Went first to the laundry place were they weighted my clothes, gave me a ticket and told me to come back after 18:00.

søndag 23. september 2012

Maxico: Chillin' at Playa del Carmen.

Todays breakfast was assorted fruits and a piece of bread. I didn't wanted any coffe cos' I don't trust the hostel coffe. And because my stomach doesn't felt right just yet. I sat with an old guy at the porch to have my breakfast. The kitchen was allready full of people and there were no seats left. Well, sat there with the old dude. He was traveling about and staying on different hostels around. He was retired and he lived very well on his pension. After breakfast, I packed my bag, paid and left to go to the bus station. There I bought a ticket to Playa del Carmen.

Mexico: Cancun.Revolting Development

Breakfast call again! And today they had some grey stuff and some yellow goo. I asked what in the Sam Hill this was. The grey was mashed beans and the yellow, I don't remember. It had some tortilla chips on it anyway. It tasted good though. Sat with a lot peeps today, Some had just arrived and others were just leaving.

fredag 21. september 2012

Mexico: Cancun. Onwards! To the Beach!

Breakfaaaast, you party dogs!
The receptionist woke us up. He came around every room and gave us the wake up call. He was making breakfast and you better wake up. I stood up, and went downstairs. He was making pancakes, nam! Sat there with a girl from the states that was travelling around making some kind of travel show. She was going to Cuba to shoot, and to Belize.

søndag 16. september 2012

Mexico: Bus to Cancun

Today I leave for Cancun. That's the tourist hub of Mexico. Lots of grinos going there to spend their dollares. Well, I took a shower and left my towel in the sun to dry. Then I went to my room to pack my stuff. Had things everywhere so It took a while to sort things and make my backpack as compact as I possibly can. I was going to leave at 16:00 from the bus station and the trip was going to last for about 18 hours. Aw, man.

mandag 10. september 2012

KFC and latte for me!

Another slooow morning.
Woke up and had breakfast. But this time I skipped the coffe. I was feeling a little flatulent. and there is sommething that makes me feel this way. I can't say I eat that much, so I don't know why I'm having problems with the food. Blast! I just ate, my two toasts and went to my room just to relax a little.  After a while I just went out for a walk. I got pretty far this time. On the way I met more angry villagers. This time there was a demostration going on. They were walking around the town shouting and weaiving with some flags and pictures of a teacher that is in prison. Think it was a teacher. And the villagers want him free now! Free Paklistan! (heh, funny name of the teacher)

søndag 9. september 2012

Lazy day

The second floor of the hostel

Slept like a rock! Stood up and Alejandro had made me coffe, so I sat with him and talked a lot about mexico in general. Good to know about how the country really is and not only what the government want's to show the tourists. After breakfast I sat a little with the laptop, trying to write some. Had gotten some mails I had to reply I got even a call from my brother. A little later on I took my dirty clothes and began to scrub them. I did not wanted to pay for any laundri, so I decided to do it myself. Last time I sent my towel and It smelled a little funky when I used to dry myself. Last time I showered I smelled like that funky towel, blæh...
So I needed to wash it. After  I left my clothes to dry. I went downstairs to get my little blue bag that Ara gave me. I had put too much weight on it and it was unstitching in the seams. So I got my sewing kit and began to reinforce the bag. Sat at the sun, with the bag and a needle. Just chilling out. When I finnished I walked to my laptop to write some more on my other blog, Paintzz.

lørdag 8. september 2012

Gimme' ya' money!

Blam! What a cold night. Just the way I like it. Slept longer and more relaxed than when I was at that furnace of a place in Tuxtla.

torsdag 6. september 2012

Mexico: San Cristobal de las Casas. Escape!

Inside Qhio

Those workers. Why don't they let me sleep. Ugh... Guess I'll just wake up and do sommething usefull, like eating breakfast. After breakfast, I got my laundry (jupp, the hostel had laundry service) and went upstairs to my room to pack. I packed everything in a jiffi, and waited a little while before I went down to the lobby. I checked out, grabbed a cab and went to the bus station. Bought a ticket for the next bus to San Cristobal de Las Casas and waited around 10 minutes before the bus arrived. I was in luck, hehe. So long Tuxtla! I' won't miss ya. Well, not the heat, anyway. After about 1 hour I arrived to San Cristobal. It had the "pueblo" feeling about it, and the temperature was about 17-20 degree celsius. Strange thing that the temperature can change so much. Tuxtla is just 1 hour away.

tirsdag 4. september 2012

Mexico: Tuxtla Gutierrez. Explosions!


Woke up early today because the heat kept waking me up, blæh. Went down to the kitchen to have me some tortilla breakfast and see my mail. Posted some pics on FB and looked that Tsuchiya-san was in San Cristobal. He said that San Cristobal was beautifull and that it was colder than Oxaca. Colder eh? That's what I need right now, because I was allready sweating. After breakfast, I went outside. I had to go back to the wallmart to pick some stuff, and I had been thinking about the little kid from yesterday.

mandag 3. september 2012

Mexico: Tuxtla Gutierrez. Heatwave....

Had a night of pain. It's not always a good thing to sleep on a bus with a metal bar on your ribs. But I guess it was better than if I was sitting next to someone for 10 hours. At least I could move around, so I shouldn't complain. Arrived at Tuxtla Gutierrez around 8 o'clock in the morning. Took a cab to the only hostel that I knew of, Hostal San Miguel. There I booked for two nights in a private room. I thought it would be a good idea. That would let me work alone undisturbed. On my blog and maybe paint some. I took a shower and took my blue bag and went out to find some fun stuff to see and supplies.

søndag 2. september 2012

Goodbye Oxaca.

Wow, it really rained a lot last night. But cosidering, I slept really well. Stood up and had breakfast. Today the cook made some strange thing. It was a long bun with a hot black-greish thing inside. Tsuchiya-san had allready eaten his breakfast so I sat there for myself. Afterwards I found out that the black thing was beans, haha. Packed my stuff and left it at the hostel. My bus was going to leave at 10:30 and that meant that I had the whole day in front of me.

lørdag 1. september 2012

Mexico: Oxaca: Observatorium.

Murals of the dead.

The night was a little cold. Colder than usual, I may have to use my sleeping bag if it gets this cold tonight. Had a sweet breakfast today. They made, Hmm... I don't recall what I had for breakfast. The cook makes differeent stuff all the time. Sat with Tsuchiy-San and chatted a little with Ara, before I left for the hills. I packed my little blue bag that Ara gave me with my painting stuff and the tripod Kjell bought to me at the marked in Oslo. Made me some sanwiches with the bread I bought yesterday and walked out of the hostel.

fredag 31. august 2012

Mexico: Oxaca. Market Time!

The inside of the House of Don Pablo

Had a good night's sleep and they made me a great breakfast. Eggs and toasts, cofee and corn flakes. It was early enough and I wanted to look up on the blog and see if I could speak with someone back home. Hmm... No answer. Well, got word that Ari was back home and all was good. After a while I felt to explore the city. I went out for a walk after the nice breakfast. Walked in a straight line towards were I belived the bus station was.

torsdag 30. august 2012

Mexico: Oxaca!

Slept really well today. And woke a little later than usual, but all is good.
After packing, checking out and leaving my backpack in a locker. I left to find the bus station and to buy a ticket. Walked to Pinos Suarez because they told me that the station was there, but I did not find anything. What I found was a market. Nice one, but nothing interesting. Suddenly I found the luchador masks that I was looking for, but they looked a bit small for my huge head and the people that own those stands on the markeds are soo friggin' sad and malcontent that I rather not buy anything from them.

onsdag 29. august 2012

Can I please see my e-mail?

Awww.... Woke up way to early this morning. think it was around 6am. Could not sleep at al with all that banging of hammers. There are some people in the roof working like whipped dogs. Take a break, hombres. Chill!

mandag 27. august 2012

Mexico: Mexico City. Braaaaains!

"Cesadilla" Brains in tortilla!

Good morning!
Today I wanted to chill out. And I needed to check out the blog, cos' I feel it's kinda time comsuming. Anyway, I had breakfast and made some calls. Speaked with my bro, mom, Glenn and Kjell and sent some mails to differnt peeps. The rest of the morning I just sat at the lobby trying to load pictures into the blog while playing Marvel: Avengers Alliance. I will get my hands on that White Queen!

Mexico: Mexico City. Templo Mayor!

Templo Mayor

Today I felt a lot better. And was ready to grasp the day!
Araceli was gonna pick me ut to see the museum "Temple Mayor"and the Palacio Nacional.

lørdag 25. august 2012

Mexico: Graooooow!

Today I woke by the sounds of the"jaguar". I don't remember when, but I'm pretty sure it was really early in the morning. Took a shower as usual and went down to have some breakfast. There I found Anton playing the guitar, ha! the guys came back early this morning from Garibaldi just in time for breakfast and a beer. Sat with them and they told me all the crazy-cool things they did. After a while they had to leave to get some sleep. No wonder, they've been up all night partying. I on the other hand had to go up to my room to be ready for the meeting. But suddenly out of nowhere, I got the baddest tummy ache ever! It was soo bad I had to throw up! Then I passed out and slept for an hour or so.

fredag 24. august 2012

Mexico: Pyramids and lucha libre.

The day started like any other. With a shower and breakfast. At 9 o'clock I went downstairs to the lobby to meet with the guy that is arranging the pyramid trip. After a while the bus arrived, well it was just a van, but they called it the bus. The van got too crowded for all of us tourists soo they called for another one. The van arrived and we met our guide. His name was Leo and was a indian looking guy. Aboard the bus I sat beside a guy that was really from India, but lived in Boston with his family. If I don't remember correct I think his name was Chawla. Nice, easy going guy (he is probably looking into this so I have to say sommething nice) btw, Hi Chaw!

mandag 20. august 2012

Mexico: Mexico City. The bank job....

Breakfast for champs. Well, not exactly, but toasts and a really good coffee is close enough for me. Still waking up at 6 am local time, that's 1pm in Oslo. Very quiet on the streets. Anyway, after getting to know a guy from the states while I was having breakfast, I went to find a bank to get some dinero. Yesterday I tried a cashier and it declined my card. Asked a cop dressed in a crazy armour about where the nearest bank was and he was kind enough to leave his shield (yes, he was armored and had a shield) and point me to the right direction.

Mexico: Mexico City. New Hostel

Took me about an hour to reach the Hostel by foot,but it was worth it. Got to see a lot on the way. Lots of peeps around rollerblading, guess the mexicans love to rollerblade. Didn't knew that fun fact :D The hostel I'm gonna be staying is this one:

lørdag 18. august 2012


Arrived yesterday around 9 o'clock PM after a 11 hour flight from London. Took a taxi to the city center. Straight to the Hotel Madrid. It's a reasonable cheap hotel in Mexico, but a little to expensive for my budget.  But I was soooo freakin' tired when I arrived that I didn't care that it cost me a little more than expected. I'm gonna stay here tonight too just to get rid of the jetlag. It's a 6 hour difference here so I'm a little woozy. Woke up early this morning to have some breakfast. Guess what it was on the buffet. Enchiladas and burritos, haha, very mexican. Lots of nacho chips and some jalapeño dip for breakfast was not what I expected or felt like eating 7 in the morning.
I took a little stroll around the city and found a International Hosteling hostel :b As most of us know it's pretty cheap so I just booked a couple of days there. Cost me around 150NOK for the night, breakfast and internet included ;) After a couple of hours in the city and a spicy jalapeño chicken lunch I went back to the hotel. Now I'm in the lobby of the hotel watching the mummy in spanish and writing this. Not going to go anywhere right now cos' it's raining outside. Gonna rain tomorrow to, blæh...

fredag 3. august 2012

Back to Norway

I'm back in Norway now so I'll be posting some more before I leave for Mexico.
I'll be leaving this wonderful norwegian summer soon for a more stable climate. The Norwegian climate is a rollercoaster of bad weather. You never know when it's gonna rain or when the temperature is gonna drop. Look at the weather forecast u say? To hell with that, the meteorologists are even more lost than a monkey in a house of mirrors :b 
From one thing to another, the last vid I posted here had a bad resolution. Not acceptable! The cam I got from my friends was supposed to record in full HD, and the vid just didn't cut it. Sooooo I had a bright idea and deleted the vid from here and uploaded it on youtube. Now all you guys see is a link to the same vid only with better resolution. Hoooray for youtube!

mandag 9. juli 2012

Hello there my good people!
I'm in the Netherlands right now, visiting my dear aunt Catalina. That means that I got some relaxing time ahead of me. And that also means that I can have some quality time with my computer and maybe make some preogress with this blog of mine :)
First I'll post some vids of Oslo. Yeah, Oslo. That's where I live and work.
The past few week I've been visiting lotsa friends all over the place and actually haven't had the time to write anything on this blog. Anyways I'll post this and let's see if these vids actually make up for the absence here ;)

                                                        PJ Worldtour: Streets of Oslo

søndag 17. juni 2012

Captain's Blog: PJ World Tour

Captains blog: Stardate 16062012

Hehe... Sorry, I just couldn't resist to start with a nerdy comment. Guess some of you guys saw it coming, And as you all know, resistance is futile, ha!
I'll tell ya'all what this blog is all about. It's about my trip around the world and all about the peeps I'm gonna meet on my journey. It's my very own Pokemon journey where I'm NOT gonna catch animals, but I'll catch new experiences (well if I see some pinguins I'll catch them, cos' they ROCK!)
I'm not the usual tourist, the one that lives in fancy hotels and drink expencive champagne, so do not expect that! :b I'll be on a tight leash when it comes to money.