tirsdag 31. desember 2013

Brazil: Bonito pt.2

The next day, we didn’t do a lot. The highlight of the day was to walk on the highway towards the “Balneario Municipal” Some kind of bath out in the open.  We heard that we could swim with some fishes and decided to take a look.

lørdag 28. desember 2013

Brazil: Bonito pt.1

Sponge Bob in my bed!

The next day we decided to go to Bonito. A lot of different people had recommended this particular place. And the Brazilians are a very persuasive people. So, we decided to go.

fredag 27. desember 2013

Brazil: Campo Grande pt.2

We stayed in Campo Grande a couple of days and today we walked to the city center to check out what Campo Grande had to offer. First thing we did was to exchange dollars to Brazilian Reals, then to grab something to eat and to see if there was anything to do at all in the city.

torsdag 19. desember 2013

Brazil: Campo Grande pt.1

We arrived at Campo Grande in the middle of the night so we decided to stay at the terminal for the rest of the night and search for hostels in the morning. While we waited I had my first taste of Brazilian cooking, a Coixinha de frango. Frango is chicken in Portuguese, just so you know. Well, after sleeping in a chair like a bum, the morning came calling. 

fredag 13. desember 2013

Bolivia: Santa Cruz pt.3

Tagged Pablo!

The next few days were a little more relaxing. The weather was still bad so we only went out if we had to. Well, we were not going to stay very long here in Santa Cruz, but we could well enjoy our stay while we were here. 

onsdag 11. desember 2013

Bolivia: Santa Cruz pt.2

Yay! We are going to the zoo today.
Here are the pictures we took at the zoo in Santa Cruz.

Gimme a kiss!

The wildest animal in the zoo :b


After the zoo we went back to the hotel. I was going to meet a friend here and Nathy was in the mood to just stay in bed. Can’t blame her since the weather had been really crappy since we got here, it hasn’t been cold, but it has rained a lot.

Next up…
Some rainy days and a little night life.

fredag 6. desember 2013

Bolivia: Santa Cruz pt.1

Nathy eating at Dumbo's

Aooow…. I slept actually pretty well on the bus. The weather was changing too; it was getting a little warmer now. Good… We were trying to get away from the cold weather that had hit us, and the altitude that had us so tired all the time.

torsdag 5. desember 2013

Bolivia: From Titicaca to La Paz

My new Bob Marley sweater

Ah… Had a somewhat ok breakfast, then we headed out to get our clothes from the laundry. We had a couple of hours before we had to take the bus back to La Paz so we roamed the town and took some more pictures.

onsdag 4. desember 2013

Bolivia: Lake Titicaca & Isla Del Sol

We woke up early enough to catch breakfast and run out to get the boat to Isla Del Sol. Good thing the hotel is right besides the pier. Well, after arriving at the island, we could do our tour of the place in two different ways.

fredag 15. november 2013

Bolivia: Copacabana

Bolivian Sailors, hihi..

Yesterday we booked bus tickets to Copacabana. That is the Bolivian Copacabana that is right besides the great Titicaca Lake. The bus came actually to the hostel to pick us up early in the morning, that way we did not have to go to the terminal. It is supposedly to be a little dodgy at this hour. Well, and of course, to be picked up at the hotel for almost nothing is a no brainer.

torsdag 14. november 2013

Bolivia: La Paz pt. 2

Second day in La Paz and I’m regaining my strength.
Well, I woke up, had a great breakfast and then me and Nathy went a couple of rounds of Pool. I managed to work some on my blog and to call some people around before it was lunchtime. Ordered some nice food from the kitchen and went to bed to have a little siesta. After a while I woke up again, strolled to the bar and started drinking with the guys and Nathy.

onsdag 13. november 2013

Bolivia: La Paz pt.1 Wild Rover

Who is in our room? The Kiwi's, Colombia and us :)

Slept like a baby tonight. It was a great seat we got up front and I’m guessing that I slept so heavily was that I was really tired.
Got to La Paz and we actually did not know where to go. But the Kiwis did, so we went with them. It was at the Wild Rover Hostel. The hostel was known for its super party style, we’ll see how much of that it’s true.

lørdag 9. november 2013

Bolivia: Waiting to leave Potosi

"I'm Walking away"

All right!
The night in Potosi was awful, it was incredibly cold and the bed was as bad as it can get. And of course, my cold was not going to get better with this kind of punishment to my body. I believe that in order to heal properly your body needs to attend to the “infection” but here I’m using all my strength just to keep me warm at night, so when I wake up I’m exhausted and it lovers my defenses because I’m actually tired. Well, Enough theories on how I think my body works :D

fredag 8. november 2013

Bolivia: Potosi

Feeling a lot better today, and that is a good thing, cos’ off we are going to Potosi. I am not so sure why we are going here, and I actually don’t care that much. I leave Nathy to figure out the route on this particular adventure.

onsdag 6. november 2013

Bolivia: Uyuni pt.4 The town

Ah, a new day, and another shitty night for me. It was so shitty that Nathy considered that it was best if I went to see a doc. She was right, even if I did not want to. After a lot of asking around (Nathy asked, I had lost my voice) we found two different hospitals. The first one was kinda pricey but the second was super cheap. To make the story short, I asked for an appointment to see a doctor, waited for about 5 minutes before the doc saw me. He took a look and did doctor things before he gave me a prescription on antibiotics. Some pills and a shot in the ass, ugh….
After that it was straight back to the hotel to sleep and regain some more strength. Nathy had already bought bus tickets to Potosi for tomorrow and I was hoping to feel a lot better by tomorrow.

onsdag 30. oktober 2013

Bolivia: Uyuni pt.3 Salt desert

 At 4:00 we had to wake up for breakfast and to pack our bags. We woke up this early because we all decided to see the sunrise from an “island” in the salt desert.  The island in the desert was called Incahuasi and after an hour or so of drive we got there.

Bolivia: Uyuni pt.2 Geysers and more lagoons

Aww, man….
That must have been the worst night I have ever had in my life. I had a crazy fever, my throat was so sore I was spitting blood with some hard green stuff from my lungs, and it was so cold I actually could not feel my limbs even as my head was cooking over. Too boot, the high altitude made me gasp for air every time I actually managed to fall asleep.

fredag 4. oktober 2013

Bolivia: Uyuni pt.1 The lagoons

Woke up crazy early today, dang it is cold this early. Well, Nathy made some breakfast while we waited for our ride. We took one of those 3 days, 2 nights guided tour of the salt desert. The plan was to cross the border over to Bolivia trough the desert of Uyuni.

fredag 20. september 2013

Chile: San Pedro de Atacama pt.3. Sandboarding

Well, well …. After all these different activities lately (And that I was already a little constipated from before) I woke up with quite a sore throat. So I told Nathy that I needed a day or two to get better before we headed to Uyuni.

søndag 15. september 2013

Chile: San Pedro de Atacama pt.2. Lago Cejar

Today was going to be a hard day, and I didn’t even saw it coming.
Nathy wanted to go to the Cejar lagoon, were the concentration of salt is so high, you could float effortlessly. Well, we didn’t want to take a tour there, when we could go there by ourselves. Sooooo, we decided to rent a bike and go there by ourselves.

lørdag 14. september 2013

Chile: San Pedro de Atacama pt.1

Brrrrr…… The nights are getting colder her in Atacama. After the sun goes down the temperature drops quite fast. Good thing I’ve got some warm clothes with me. Well, enough yabbin’ about the cold. On this day we decided to take a full day tour to the dessert of Atacama, we would first go to see some Geysers then on to some hot springs to bath. After that we would travel to see an active volcano and to take some awesome pictures of a giant cactus!

torsdag 12. september 2013

Chile: Going up North!

La Serena

Managed to do all the crazy stuff and to get my ID card. That card was going to save me if my passport’s expiration time got me into trouble (It expires at the end of august).  Everything had gone almost as expected with some minor problems here and there. Anyway, I was back in Santiago and was now staying at Nathy’s place since I was going to travel with her.

onsdag 4. september 2013

Chile: Riding the Storm

The cab arrived at 2am and off we went to the airport. Took us about 45 min to get there. I was way too early but when I was about to check in the problems reappeared again. Good thing that I was early. After a lot of waiting I got through and could check in.

mandag 26. august 2013

Ecuador: Quito pt.6. Last day.

Today Ara leaves back to Spain, and I wanted to follow her to the airport. The flight was late in the afternoon and we had all morning to try to do fun stuff or see some new place in the city. The plan changed when Guido and Florencia offered Ara a ride to the airport and at the same time on the way to the airport (cos’ the friggin airport is so far away from the city) we could visit some small towns.

torsdag 22. august 2013

Ecuador: Quito pt.5 Roadtrip

Today I’m going on a roadtrip with Florencia and Guido. Ara was going on another trip with his colleague and some other peeps and I decided not to interrupt them, so Guido and Florencia said that we could do our own trip, ha! They are so sweet.

mandag 19. august 2013

Ecuador: Quito pt.4

Today as the other days I had my breakfast with Guido and Florencia, and after that I went out to meet up with Ara. As yesterday, she left early this morning too. Well I was going to meet her later on. Today I went even further away on an epic stroll around the city. Walked a couple of hours until I reached this huge park (don’t remember the name)

lørdag 17. august 2013

Ecuador: Quito pt.3

Today, I woke up late, but not late enough to miss breakfast. Florencia made me fresh pressed orange juice while Guido was eating a really tasty cheese he had bought. That man knows how to pick great cheese.
 Well, after an awesome breakfast, I checked if my download was finished. And yes! The new Daft Punk album was available to listen to! What bliss! I loaded it into my Mp3 player and went out to find “El Museo de la Ciudad”

fredag 16. august 2013

Ecuador: Quito pt.2

Museums, museums 
Well, what can I tell about Quito. It is a wonderful city of colors. The second day there was as good as the first. Ara had to go to the museum of contemporary art to, well, do whatever she does. Meetings, brainstorming and such. I on the other hand had nothing else to do than to roam the city by myself and to go to other museums. I did accompany her to the museum of contemporary art, but after I was done I felt I would just be in the way and didn’t wanted to be of any distraction to her.

torsdag 15. august 2013

Ecuador: Quito pt.1, Meeting Araceli

Aww… It was really nice to see Ara again. It had been a while since last time I saw her and she had not changed a bit. The first thing she did was to invite me for breakfast. Aww, she’s so nice. Well, after an excellent breakfast, we started to roam the city and the first thing that caught my eye was this huge angel atop a hill (El Panecillo). Well, it is better to show you guys the pictures than me talking about it ;)

onsdag 14. august 2013

Chile/Ecuador: Next stop: Quito!

Arrived in Santiago early in the morning. The first thing was to have some breakfast and wifi. Got to a café and skyped a little before I met up with Nathy for dinner. We were thinking of going to Bolivia, Peru and Brazil so we could join forces for that epic trip. After meeting Nathy’s mom I left to go and meet Inma at her place. I was going to spend the night there. Much better than having to spend the night in Villa Alemana, were everything was breaking down. I didn’t even have warm water there, brrrr…..

tirsdag 13. august 2013

Chile: More small towns

These are the last three towns I visit before ending my Tour to success here in Chile. From Osorno I went on to Valdivia. I arrived just in time for the week-end so I took the day off to look around. Well the first impression of Valdivia was a spooky one, with foggy, dark streets with little to none people on the streets. But the next morning was a different story.  Check out the pictures.

fredag 26. juli 2013

Chile: The road to success

Rio Negro

Still in Puerto Montt to meet up with people and try to show them Ger’s products and stuff. I had a great time with Inma last night, unfortunately she had to leave today for Santiago.  Well, I had to keep working on my presentation since I was a little confused with some of the prices on the components. Good thing I had the pricelist, but it impresses the customer more if I had them in my head :b

mandag 22. juli 2013

Do I really have to work?

Ready to sell!

Still in Villa and making myself ready to become Notebook Mundo’s new salesman or as it is written on my business card “executive of commerce” Haha! (Yeah, Ger fixed me 200 business cards)

søndag 14. juli 2013

Chile: The Road back to Villa Alemana

In Puerto Montt

On Tuesday I took the bus from Punta Arenas to Puerto Montt. It was a 26 hour bus drive. Man! I must say that my ass was pulverized after that little ordeal. Well, I actually slept most of the trip, but that did not mean that my body had a great time. Well, when I  got to Puerto Montt  I found out that the next bus to Santiago was in 2 hours, and the price was only 8000 pesos. That’s cheap! I bought the ticket right away.
While I waited I went to this cozy little café to have something to eat and a cup of coffee. Of course, the café had to have Wifi connection or I wouldn’t have been there. Well, Since I was in Puerto Montt for about 2 hours before I had to take my next bus, I was unable to walk around and scout the city. 

fredag 5. juli 2013

Chile: Porvenir

The ferry

Back at Punta Arenas after our little trip to Calafate and we were really tired. So the only logical thing to do was to hit the sack. I went to my hostel and Nathy went to hers. For the rest of the day I just chilled. Tomorrow we were going to Porvenir early in the morning so we needed to rest.

mandag 1. juli 2013

Argentina: Calafate y Perito Moreno

Our room in Calafate

As usual we had to wake up early today. Our bus was leaving from the bus terminal at around 08:00 and we had a couple of blocks to cover before we could get there. Well, We got to the terminal, took our bus and headed towards the national park. We had to make a stop to pay the park fee. After that, our second stop was at the lagoon. There we could take a boat towards the glacier, so we did.

torsdag 27. juni 2013

Chile: Puerto Natales y Las Torres del Paine

Battleship and Nathy

The next day I met Nathy at the town square again.
Then we went to find some information on how we could get to las Torres and to plan our trip to Calafate and Porvenir. After a couple of hours asking around at different tourist agencies we booked a full day trip to Las Torres for tomorrow. Then we went to the harbour to get ticket to Porvenir. We booked that too and well, spend the rest of the evening at the Duty Free Zone :) Had to go to bed early today since we were going to have to wake early tomorrow. But first we went to the local casino to eat some sushi!

onsdag 26. juni 2013

Chile: Punta Arenas pt.5

The lady in charge and Pamela :)

Sunday…. Well, can’t say I did much today, I just gotta kill some time before Nathy arrives. She is coming to Punta Arenas tomorrow. I went over to my favorite café to chill out some and to Skype some with my fam and friends. Had some lunch and a latte. After a couple of hours I began to feel a slightly painful sensation on my tailbone. 

søndag 23. juni 2013

Chile: Punta Arenas pt.4


Great scott! Today I see pinguins!
I had to wake up early today to get to the meeting point where I had to take the tour from. The ladies at the hostel had already fixed me some breakfast. Well, after a fast breakfast I walked to the meeting point were the tour bus was supposed to leave from. Got to the office and met some other tourists that were going with me. There I met this Spanish girl that was actually at the same hostel that I was staying on. Funny thing. Well, we took the bus and a boat to Isla Magdalena.